Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 202 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 202 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (07)
"Sorry, we don't accept cash, please swipe your card or scan the QR code to pay." Captain Theodore said.

An Luo had to turn to the AI ​​system Isaac: "Mr. Isaac, he said that he needs to swipe the card or scan the code to pay. Is this really okay?"

"Yes, both the interstellar engineering vehicle and the interstellar aircraft have a built-in payment system, and there is a port to connect with your fast travel system, which is very convenient, and there is no need to withdraw cash."

The interstellar engineering vehicle directly completed the payment with the other party, and the number of An Luo's gold coins decreased by 2000.

"The electronic receipt has been sent directly to your system, please check it." After receiving the payment, Captain Theodore ordered all the robots to put away their weapons and agreed to An Luo's departure, "However, please remember to abide by the laws of the galaxy .With the permission of your artificial intelligence system, I have entered the latest galaxy regulations into your system, please check it at any time, especially the part about ore mining. In addition, I will push the latest galaxy news to you!"

The more An Luo thought about it, the more angry he became: "I will try my best to abide by the regulations, but if I find out that you are following me, I will not be polite!"

Captain Theodore said politely: "I'm sorry, lady, please don't get me wrong. We are following you, on the one hand, to ensure the safety of the galaxy, and on the other hand, it is also for your safety."

"Oh my God, this is the first time I've heard someone talk about stalking others in such a high-sounding way, I'm convinced! Farewell!"

An Luo angrily drove the interstellar engineering vehicle back to the interstellar vehicle and left the planet.

[There is a voice communication request for access, it has been connected for you, you can start the call]

"Hello, ma'am! I'm Theodore, what should I call you?" This was the voice of the robot captain Theodore just now.

An Luo was taken aback: "What did you put into my system?"

"Interstellar travel alone is very dangerous. Our interstellar exploration team will escort you and become your most reliable guardian!"

"Isaac!" An Luo asked his AI system angrily, "Why did you allow that guy to put in so much information and directly allow his communication application?"

"Dear An Luo, according to my monitoring of your status, I think you need to learn more about the galaxy, and increase your dialogue partners, which will benefit your physical and mental health. In addition, and more importantly, they hold Galaxy special protocol, no AI system in this galaxy can deny their data access." Isaac explained aggrievedly.

Theodore asked: "Is your name An Luo? Which planet are you from?"

An Luo snapped off the account checking conversation, and concentrated on finding the next target on the star map.

Because it has been connected to the network with the information of the entire galaxy, An Luo's interstellar map has also been updated now.She can know which planets are inhabited, which uninhabited planet is the territory of a certain planet or has obtained mining rights.

She tries to choose unowned planets for mining to avoid conflicts with people.

Fortunately, on an unowned planet, An Luo discovered a large number of diamond mines. According to the agreement, she only collected 1000 kilograms, and harvested 50000 aura points and 100000 gold coins.

During this period of time, she carefully studied the laws and regulations of the galaxy, and found that if an individual can land on a certain planet, he can also apply for the ownership of the planet.

She decided to give it a try.

(End of this chapter)

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