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Chapter 203 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 203 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (08)
An Luo submitted the discovery rights, ownership and mining rights of the planet online.

There are not many materials that need to be submitted, mainly the positioning, volume, photos and videos of the planet, mainly to confirm that the applicant has really landed on this planet.

Unexpectedly, the feedback arrived soon, saying that An Luo's application was approved, but a tax of 20 gold coins was required.

This kind of tax is regardless of the type of planet. As long as you want to privately own the planet, you must pay these gold coins.

After the tax is submitted, she can mine without restriction without causing changes in the earth's crust.Of course, once the earth's crust is changed, it is still necessary to pay a considerable amount of fines according to the situation.

An Luo did a rough calculation and found that there are quite a lot of diamonds on this planet, and mining 5000 kilograms is no problem, so he submitted the taxes online, obtained various rights to the planet, and named the planet An Luo 1.

She carefully calculated the distribution of diamonds on this planet, tried not to pluck wool from a sheep, and also mainly picked places closer to the surface for mining, so as to avoid affecting the deep crustal movement.

It took almost 3 months for An Luo to collect 5000 kilograms of diamond ore. He obtained a total of 25 aura points and 50 gold coins. After deducting the tax paid, there were still 30 gold coins left.

When leaving the An Luo 1 planet, the name of the planet has already appeared on the star map, and now the ownership of An Luo has been protected by law. Anyone who wants to come to this planet to mine must obtain her permission and pay the fee Just give it to her.

After wandering in the starry sky for a while, An Luo also found a planet with a large amount of hydrous calcium-magnesium silicate, that is, the nephrite planet. The jade on this planet is warm and clear, and every piece of it is like He's Bi after being polished. It's hard to put it down.

Every kilogram of nephrite ore that has not been polished is put into the aura refining machine to extract 100 aura points and 300 gold coins.

An Luo named this planet An Luo 2 planet, and also submitted valuable taxes.

Because he really likes jade, An Luo bought a jade processing machine in the system, which is specially used to cut and polish jade. Such finished products can be sold at a higher price in the system mall.

However, it seems that there are some prices but no market. An Luo hangs up for a while, but there is no purchase.

Think about it carefully, people who trade in the system mall are all doing fast travel tasks, who has the leisure to buy jewelry here?
A few months later, An Luo discovered another planet rich in emeralds, and she named this planet An Luo 2.

In this way, after drifting in the starry sky for almost two years, An Luo focused on mining 15 planets and applied for the ownership of 3 planets to obtain 700 million spiritual energy points and 350 million gold coins.

However, this seems to be far from enough, An Luo's interstellar journey has just begun.

Almost every day, Theodore would send a voice message to An Luo: "Good morning! Dear Ms. An Luo, judging from your flight trajectory, you should be located 3 light-years away from the Bulu planet. There are no people in this area. Hanzhi, you must be careful. If you have any questions, you can contact us at any time, and we will do our best to protect your safety."

In this regard, An Luo lamented: A robot is a robot, and doing things is rigid and inflexible!
(End of this chapter)

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