Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 205 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 205 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (10)
Looking at the handsome, tall and straight man in the uniform of the detection team, An Luo asked suspiciously, "Are you a robot too?"

"I'm sorry, our planet can't make such a simulated robot. I'm a real person, the real thing." The man who called himself Theodore smiled, "However, this is not important. Ms. An Luo, welcome to our aircraft, Please come this way, the residents of Planet Bulu are looking forward to seeing you."

There is a huge screen in the cockpit of the aircraft, which is the scene of the cockpit. An Luo saw Theodore and himself on the screen.

Theodore greeted the screen enthusiastically: "Everyone has been waiting for a long time. According to legend, the interstellar local tyrant has arrived in our fleet safely. Everyone stay in formation and welcome Ms. An Luo!"

The text that swiped the screen began on the screen:
"Welcome the interstellar local tyrant!"

"It turned out to be a beautiful girl? This is unscientific!"

"No wonder Captain Theodore cares so much about her!"

"I said why did Captain Theodore pick it up in person? There must be something strange in it!"

Theodore saw An Luo's surprise and bewilderment, and said to the screen: "Okay, everyone has seen the goddess herself, please give the goddess some time to rest?"

As soon as the voice fell, a new round of text swiping began:
"Captain Theodore dislikes us for getting in the way!"

"So it's time to exit quietly, right?"

"What's the matter with feeling a little jealous?"

Theodore hastily turned off the screen, and smiled awkwardly at An Luo: "They are all netizens of Bulu Planet. They know that I will pick you up today, and they are all waiting to see you!"

Only then did An Luo realize that this is the legendary webcast, but the signal is too good, right?She expressed her doubts.

"These signals are also transmitted through space folding or wormholes. Our network base stations cover the entire galaxy, and the speed is extremely fast, which can basically achieve synchronous transmission of information without delay." Theodore explained.

"It sounds like there are countless time-space random doors that can transmit signals."

"you can say it this way."

After confirming that the live broadcast had been turned off, An Luo asked Theodore why he pretended to be a robot.

After explaining, An Luo knew that although these robots were all artificial intelligence robots, Theodore, as the captain, still remotely controlled one of the robots, so that in some important and complicated situations, human intelligence and artificial intelligence can be used to make joint decisions.

If a robot handles An Luo's affairs before, they will regard her as an intruder, and there is a great possibility of conflict.But Theodore decided to treat An Luo as an ordinary galaxy resident.

"Facts have proved that I am right. If there is a conflict with you, our galaxy will lose an important taxpayer." Theodore said to An Luo.

An Luo chuckled: "You are overthinking. If there is a conflict, I don't think I will lose to your robot team."

"So, this decision of mine saved my team, right?"

"you can say it this way."

There is one more thing that An Luo doesn't quite understand: "Well, Mr. Theodore, I just paid hundreds of thousands of taxes, how can I become an interstellar rich?"

"Just saying this to you, you are definitely a local tyrant!" Theodore said, "You don't know the purchasing power of 1 Gila gold coin, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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