Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 206 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 206 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (11)
Through Theodore's introduction, An Luo knew that the Gia gold coins she exchanged were quite valuable.

Take the most developed Bulu planet as an example, the per capita annual income is only twelve gold coins, and basically 10 gold coins can allow a family of four to live a relatively worry-free life.

When they formulated the system of claiming a planet with 20 Gia gold coins, they knew that it was impossible for individual residents to pay so many gold coins.What's more, ordinary residents don't have the ability to fly away from Bulu Planet casually.

Of course, there are super rich people on every planet. If these people or unofficial groups pay for the development of new planets and pay this high tax to claim the planet, they are also very welcome.

So far, only two unofficial teams have developed new planets, and An Luo is one of them.

The most surprising thing is that An Luo has subscribed for three planets, and the 60 gold coins have reached the GDP of a small city. This is of course great news on Bulu Planet.

In other words, An Luo has become one of the top 100 richest people on Bulu Planet without knowing it.

"I don't seem to be a resident of Bulu Planet?" An Luo asked Theodore.

"If you pay more than 5 gold coins to Bulu Planet, you can automatically become a resident of Bulu Planet." Theodore explained.

An Luo suddenly realized: "No wonder you send messages every day saying that you want to provide protection for me. It turns out that it is because I am an important taxpayer!"

Theodore glanced at An Luo and shook his head: "No, it's not my duty to protect taxpayers. I sent you a message just to protect you."

An Luo is most afraid that the atmosphere will suddenly become sweet, especially with unfamiliar men. Although Captain Theodore looks handsome and charming, it does not mean that his heart is kind and transparent.

Therefore, An Luo excused that he was tired and was going to bed.

"Wait a minute, won't you have something to eat?" Theodore asked her.

An Luo hadn't eaten for several years, so he forgot about it.In fact, food can replenish mana and help maintain her beautiful appearance, so she can eat.

"What food do you have here?" An Luo asked him.

"What do you usually eat?" Theodore asked her back.

"Hush! It's a secret!" An Luo used the most charming and charming way of smiling that Kyuubi taught her in order to stop him from asking about it.

Theodore froze for a moment, and said to her: "Then I hope today's tomato and spinach salad will please you."

He took An Luo to see his vegetable planting center in space. These vegetables are grown without soil, using culture fluid and light of different wavelengths, which can stimulate the rapid growth of vegetables to the greatest extent, and the yield is very high.

However, he doesn't grow much here. Except for some of them are used for scientific research, the others are eaten by members of their interstellar exploration team.

Most of the team members are usually on standby at the space station. He also left the space station today to welcome An Luo.

An Luo visited this plant planting center, and thought that when he waited for a while to dig around, he would also plant some vegetables in his aircraft, and it would be good to add a little vitamin energy at ordinary times!It seems to have this configuration, but she has never developed it.

The vegetable salad made by Theodore tastes good, and An Luo thinks it may be because he hasn't eaten for a long time, so he feels the taste is extremely delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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