Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 207 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 207 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (12)
"How is it? Do you think it tastes different from ordinary vegetables?" Theodore asked her with a smile in his eyes.

An Luo's heart skipped a beat: "You didn't put something in there, did you?" Thinking about it again?The self who relies on magic to maintain his body is not even afraid of poison.

"How do you know?" Theodore looked a little surprised, "You have a good taste! These tomatoes are all fused with a large number of amino acid genes, so they are similar to eating meat."

"So that's the case? Can this genetically modified food really be eaten raw?"

"Are you scared?" Theodore looked at her provocatively.

An Luo took another bite, resisting the feeling of nausea and said: "It tastes good!" Then he ran to the bathroom and vomited completely, making up his mind that even if he suspected that he was a monster, he would not eat these again Weird food too.

However, after coming out, An Luo still couldn't control himself when he saw the dessert that Theodore put out.

"It's so beautiful! It looks delicious." An Luo asked him, "What ingredients are you making of it?"

"It's just an ordinary dessert, don't think too much, I brought it here for you from the space station." Theodore said softly.

The more An Luo thought about it, the more he felt that this guy must be weird for being so courteous!
Still, she ate the desserts because they were so delicious.

After almost two days, they finally arrived at the planet Bulu.This planet is the most technologically advanced planet in the entire Gia galaxy, and its natural environment is very good, which is very suitable for human survival.

After the spaceship landed at the designated place and came out of the space capsule, An Luo realized how happy it is to breathe on a normal planet.

Not only that, there are also a large number of fans shouting loudly: "The goddess looks at me! Look at me!"

"The residents of your planet are quite enthusiastic!"

"The main reason is that everyone likes local tyrants. Come and say hello to the girls and boys of our planet Bulu!"

An Luo stayed at the Imperial Hotel. If the daily room fee was paid with Gia gold coins, it would only cost 10 gold coins. . .Too cheap!
However, she also noticed that if she wanted to pay with cloth deer gold coins, she would need 2000 gold coins per day.She began to be a little thankful that she had chosen to exchange the system gold coins for Gia gold coins.If it was exchanged for cloth deer gold coins, his 300 million gold coins could only be regarded as middle class!
"Now broadcast the headlines of Bulu Planet. The mysterious girl An Luo from an alien planet has officially landed on Bulu Planet. It is reported that hundreds of companies have already planned to conduct business cooperation with Ms. An Luo, and the specific matters are under negotiation."

An Luo got up and watched the morning news. After hearing the news, she thought about business negotiations, why didn't she know?
While I was thinking, a room attendant brought a delicious breakfast and a lot of documents.

"Ms. An Luo, these are invitation letters from major companies, please sign for them."

An Luo ate breakfast, took a shower, and swam for a while before seriously reading the invitations.

These invitations were actually intended to invite her to invest. An Luo felt that he had suddenly changed from a mining savage to a rich man who attracted worldwide attention. This feeling is really amazing.

"Jia Interstellar Medical Equipment Company, whether you are a Zerg, a mutant, or a Terran, we will provide you with professional medical services?"

"Bulu Real Estate, give you a private home in the starry sky?"

"Burkini Office, create the best idol boy group in the galaxy? (Zerg Idol Recruitment: Are you still hesitating? You are the brightest star!)"

What is this all about?

(End of this chapter)

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