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Chapter 210 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 210 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (15)
An Luo was very moved, but still rejected him: "I think it's better for me to hire an assistant! I'm more inclined to hire a girl as my assistant."

"Oh, is that so? Then I'll send a message to the job-hunting software and enter the conditions you require. Someone should contact you later." Theodore suggested.

"Yes! But I need to see the academic certificate or student ID card."

"Don't worry, this is all standard equipment!" After Theodore finished speaking, he posted a message on the job-hunting software.

An Luo soon received an email reminder, and it was bombarded indiscriminately. It seems that the efficiency of job hunting software on this planet is quite high.

The artificial intelligence system Isaac can help An Luo sort through emails, and finally sorted and selected the six most suitable assistants for An Luo.

At the same time, An Luo also bought a robot without a system, and used the AI ​​system Isaac as the robot's system. In this way, she had two assistants, Isaac and the female assistant who was about to interview.

When An Luo saw the girls she was interviewing, she had a bad feeling in her heart. She asked Isaac, "What criteria do you use to screen job applicants?"


No wonder all of them are fair-skinned and beautiful, and pure and pleasant, isn't this the taste of evil spirits?She knows that Mei Mei is an AI in this world, but it shouldn't be her own AI, right?She asked about the charm of the sealed place, but the charm herself couldn't explain clearly, because the whole history has been messed up by An Luo now, and it can only be confirmed when they get a new memory transmission after the end of this plane.

After an afternoon of interviews, An Luo determined the final candidate, a female college student named Lydia.

In fact, these six girls are all very good, but Isaac likes this Lydia very much, and strongly asks An Luo to keep her.

Anyway, it doesn't matter who stays, since the AI ​​system that has accompanied me for so many years requires this, so be it!

In this way, An Luo doesn't have to worry about the media and companies downstairs. All the invitations are filtered by Isaac and Lydia. The TV program chooses one or two with the best reputation and the least brain damage; the company chooses Old brands with guaranteed reputation; there are also social accounts dedicated to An Luo, as well as live webcasts, all of which are in operation.

Money can really make money.Ever since An Luo's beautiful girl local tyrant was established, she found that her daily consumption was actually far less than her income.

"Master, it's the university's speech this morning, they paid you 20 Gia gold coins; starting from this afternoon, you will participate in the recording of a three-day reality show, this episode is "The Life of the President", they paid you The salary is 3000 Gia gold coins." After breakfast, the robot assistant Isaac reported to An Luo, and the beauty assistant Lydia helped her choose the clothes and matching jewelry bags suitable for today.

Ever since he suspected that Isaac was Mi Mei, An Luo asked the two assistants to call her the master. Anyway, it was not for nothing. As for Mi Mei receiving the memory and getting angry with her in the future, then find a way to coax him.

"The money for the university speech is gone, and it's not easy for the student association to gather some sponsorship." An Luo said to Isaac, "Let them buy some delicious food for themselves! I will still attend the speech."

"There are several other companies that want to discuss cooperation with you. I have read their information. They are all companies with great potential. Would you like to consider them?"

(End of this chapter)

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