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Chapter 211 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 211 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (16)
On the bus to the university, An Luo took a closer look at these three projects, which were entertainment companies, game companies and high-tech automation industries.

"Such a company has high profits, right? Do you really need me to invest?" An Luo asked incomprehensibly.

"You are a newly promoted local tyrant and the current capital wind vane. It doesn't really matter how much you invest. The important thing is that the industry you are optimistic about will receive greater investment. This is the reason why they are frantically fighting for your investment." Isaac explain.

An Luo thought for a while, and told Isaac: "The prospects of these three companies are very good. If the capital return is faster, it should be this entertainment company, but why is its headquarters on this gamma planet?"

"Because Planet Gamma is rich in beautiful boys."

"What the hell? It's specialized in producing beautiful boys, not beauties?"

"It's mainly about the female fan economy on Bulu Planet, and girls pay for it. Of course, we must do our best to cultivate beautiful boy idols."

"Um, where is Planet Gamma? I want to go and have a look... So, make an appointment with their president. If you want to discuss cooperation with me, meet at Planet Gamma!" An Luo was a little curious, what exactly is that? What planet is it.

"No problem! Their president also has this intention, saying that as long as you are willing to talk, the spaceship can take off immediately. Moreover, they have also prepared a very warm welcome ceremony."

An Luo felt that he was about to go astray, and he was afraid that he would never return on the road of luxury and wealth.

When they arrived at the shooting location, the TV station staff told An Luo about the background and main plot of the show.

"President's Life" is a program created by Bulu TV. The main content is to invite the most popular company presidents to be hosts, and invite several presidents of other groups to live together for a few days. Everyone can chat about the economy and exchange feelings , to show fans his lifestyle, the ratings have been very good recently.

The president of this issue is Mr. Jon, the president of the famous NG Internet company. The mobile network signal that can be transmitted through space folding between the stars is the exclusive patent of their company. This mobile signal far exceeds the early 5G, 6G, Known as NG signal.

Mr. Jon, as the president, currently has an annual income of one million gold coins, almost tens of thousands of gold coins, and the company's market value has reached hundreds of millions of gold coins, and it is still rising with the development of other planets.

Not only that, Mr. Jon is still very young, only 29 years old, single, so he is also the person that countless unmarried women most want to pursue.

It is said that inviting An Luo to be a guest was also one of Mr. Jon's requests.

The shooting location is Mr. Jon's mansion by the sea. The activities of the past few days include cooking and chatting in the mansion, playing beach volleyball by the sea, surfing and sunbathing.

In addition to An Luo, there are three other president guests, namely two middle-aged men, and a young female president Charlotte. It is said that the female president is only 22 years old now, and she inherited it when she was 18 years old. The family has a huge amount of property, acted swiftly and resolutely, and saved the family property from fire and water several times. Now it is firmly in the top ten of the rich list, and there is an upward trend.It is said that the reason why she came to this reality show is to compete with An Luo to see who is the more attractive female president.

An Luo didn't understand, what's the point of arguing about this?
(End of this chapter)

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