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Chapter 212 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 212 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (17)
When An Luo arrived at the scene, several other guests had already started drinking tea and chatting.

Originally thought that Charlotte was a very aggressive female president, but when they met, they hit it off very well:
"Wow! Unexpectedly, Mr. An looks even more bitch in real life than on TV." Charlotte said while shaking An Luo's hand enthusiastically.

"Where is it, Mr. Xia is better! Looking at the skirt you are wearing, I am afraid that you can't find a shorter one in the whole galaxy?" An Luo responded with a smile.

Charlotte sized her up: "I found it, and I brought a shorter one! Speaking of which, Mr. An's lipstick color should be the latest beheaded male color on this planet, right?"

"Your peach blossom makeup is more eye-catching!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, shook hands and made peace, and then went to eat dessert hand in hand.

Several presidents including Jon, as well as the staff at the scene were dumbfounded. Everyone thought they would see a PK between two intellectual and gentle women, but they didn't expect to attack each other so openly, and then what happened? Nothing at all, sitting together and eating cakes kissing each other.

This is because An Luo knows that Charlotte is the Nine-Tails of this plane, and she knows too well how to speak to gain Nine-Tails' favor.It's just that when she does this, she always forgets one thing. Kyuubi is actually a man. She doesn't know that the goodwill she has accumulated throughout her life will eventually make her regret it.

In fact, compared to the weirdness of the two ladies, the host Jon is the biggest weirdness of the whole show.

Other presidents will arrange a lot of high-end sports, such as golf, yachting, surfing, sand volleyball, or even show off their good food.But Jon wanted to conduct a quiz, and said that the reason why he invited An Luo was because he felt that she must have a lot of knowledge reserves to travel among the stars alone.

"It is known that the radius of the Delta planet is 5000 kilometers, and the density is 3.67 kilograms per cubic meter. Please calculate its Roche radius. 30 seconds, thirty, 29..."

"Now is the answering session: How many pairs of chromosomes do the Luvaians have?... Hey, why don't you know? It's 29 pairs! What a simple question! How did you learn interstellar biology?"

It's about a question like this, he's the only one who is happy!

All the guests felt very tired and wanted to leave.

Fortunately, the staff of the program team communicated with Jon about the question bank that was coming in advance, and temporarily connected with several experts and scholars to provide prompt boards with answers at important moments, which made the program go smoothly.After all, no president wants to expose his IQ, right?
In the evening, Jon finally finished the exam for everyone, and went back to the room alone to count the data.The other two middle-aged male presidents relaxed a lot and drank and chatted together.

An Luo and Charlotte were in another room, sitting on a hand-woven stall, drinking red wine.Charlotte interpreted the economic trends of the entire Gaia galaxy to An Luo, and provided some constructive suggestions for her investment. The two seemed to have endless words, and it was a feeling that they hated seeing each other late.

At this time, an important piece of news was suddenly pushed across the entire galaxy, whether it was on TV or on mobile phones, it was full of headlines: "There was a turmoil on the planet Shirta, the interstellar exploration team that was going to perform official duties was attacked. Serious injury, the current condition is unknown."

(End of this chapter)

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