Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 214 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 214 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (19)
The staff member in charge of the reception was sweating profusely, begging for mercy in a hurry: "I said, I said, they did land on our planet, and I don't know where they went after that. Please let me go."

Because he felt that he was not lying, An Luo took the knife and told him to leave, but the guy ran a few steps, took out a hot weapon, aimed at An Luo and pulled the trigger.

Hey, the benevolence of a woman is indeed prone to future troubles, An Luo sighed and flew away, and at the same time threw the knife out, hitting the man's neck.

At the same time, the man's head was hit by someone with a laser weapon.

An Luo followed the reputation and found that it was Isaac.

"Don't do such things in the future, just leave it to me, master." Isaac walked over proudly holding a laser weapon, and said domineeringly to An Luo, "Let's go and find Theo many!"

After entering the interstellar engineering vehicle, An Luo asked Isaac: "Is there any location for them?"

"Reporting to the master, Theodore's interstellar exploration team has sent a distress signal, and it is currently at ten o'clock, about three kilometers away from us." Isaac reported.

"Can I talk to them?"


"Then let's go at full speed!"

Driving an interstellar engineering vehicle, any road is like walking on the ground, even if there is an armored vehicle in front, it can still be crushed.

That's right, Planet X really dispatched their armored vehicle-like equipment to An Luo, trying to prevent An Luo from approaching Theodore's team.

That's obviously problematic, obviously they were not treated when they got here, they were even assaulted.

At this moment, Isaac said: "The signal is connected!"

An eager female voice came: "Is it the rescue team? I'm Ruoci, the vice-captain of the Interstellar Exploration Team!"

"Captain Ruoci, hello! I'm Theodore's friend An Luo. I'm less than one kilometer away from you. How are you doing?"

"An Luo? That female local tyrant An Luo?" Ruo Ci hesitated and said, "We are now surrounded by the team from Planet Ex, and I don't know how long we can hold on. If you are only one person, don't come here gone."

"How is Theodore?"

"Go back!"

The other party ended the call.

An Luo was a little confused, it's all here, can we go back?Moreover, the enemy's firepower is basically concentrated on her now. If this interstellar engineering vehicle is not equipped with a large number of the strongest weapons in the entire galaxy, it is estimated that she will not be able to carry it now. Visually, there are ten armored vehicles on the other side, and there are still a few armored vehicles. There's a lot of scattered firepower.

As an artificial intelligence, Isaac's reaction speed in combat is top-notch. In this state, he is not controlling the interstellar engineering vehicle as a robot, but fighting as an interstellar engineering vehicle himself. To be precise, he is now an interstellar engineering vehicle. Engineering tanks.

After fighting for almost an hour, An Luo and Isaac wiped out all the X-stars who intercepted them, and at this time they had arrived at the position indicated by the positioning.

There are ruins here, and it is obvious that there has been a tragic battle, and you can even see the Bulu planet aircraft that has been hit by artillery fire.

An Luo connected to Ruoci again: "Captain Ruoci, I have eliminated all the firepower besieging you, and now it is about to enter your defensive area."

Ruoci replied: "Okay! Since you are here, come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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