Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 215 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 215 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (20)
An Luo walked all the way inside and saw three broken robots. It seemed that they should be building a bunker.

Walking towards him, a young woman wearing the uniform of the detection team, the label on her clothes read: Ruoci.

"Hello, may I ask that you are An Luo?" Ruoci's face was cold, with no surprise of being rescued, nor the slightest respect for strangers.Even An Luo felt that she was angry, as if she had a problem with An Luo.

But now is not the time to ask these questions, An Luo asked her: "How are the members of your exploration team?"

"Everyone is fine." Ruoci replied coldly while leading her forward.

"What about Theodore? How is he? Is he seriously injured?" An Luo continued to ask.

Ruoci glanced at An Luo full of resentment: "You know what? If you agree to let him be your assistant, nothing will happen to him! He's already..."

At this time, they had already entered the temporary bunker, and there was still a member of the detection team in the bunker, who was looking after Theodore, who was lying on a stretcher pale and dying.

"Planet X was betrayed, and we were tricked by them to come here. If the robot hadn't urgently built a bunker, we might have all died. But it delayed the captain's treatment." Ruoci explained.

An Luo hurriedly checked Theodore's wound, but he suddenly pressed his hand: "No need!" He said.

"Are you awake? Great, I have medical equipment, and I can help you treat it!" An Luo was overjoyed. In fact, she can buy medical equipment in the system. She doesn't have medical ability, but her AI system AI Sack should have.

"No, I can't do it anymore, don't waste your efforts. An Luo, I am very happy to wait for you to come, we... see you in the next plane." After finishing speaking, Theodore closed his eyes , left this world forever.

"In fact, he has died a long time ago. He was just holding on and waiting for you, Ms. An Luo." A member of the detection team said in tears.

"It's my fault." An Luo hugged Theodore's body and whispered, "I shouldn't have made him sad, it was my fault."

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the bunker shook a few times, and some places were already cracked.

"It's the team from planet Ex, it's not safe here anymore, let's leave from the ground!" Ruoci said to another team member, "How's the underground tunnel going?"

"It's done!" A young man jumped out from the corner, "How is the captain?"

Ruoci shook her head.

The man is silent.

Ruoci said to him: "Now is not the time to be sad, we have to leave as soon as possible!"

Seeing that An Luo was still muttering beside Theodore's body, Ruoci put away the anger just now and said to her: "Ms. An Luo, you must leave now! Say goodbye to our captain!"

"No!" An Luo caged Theodore's short hair, and said calmly, "I want to take him home!"

Ruoci said angrily, "Ms. An Luo! We only have a small one-person aircraft left now. You fly this aircraft and leave immediately. Afterwards, please notify the headquarters of Planet Bulu to rescue us!"

"No, let's all go together! And before we leave, we want to destroy Planet X, and I want them to be buried with Theodore!" An Luo's tone was terribly cold.

300 million Gia gold coins are enough to buy two top-equipped super starships with the strongest weapons!
 The hero and heroine of this plane are bad end, and I am also very sad, but after the death, the heroine wakes up, and the task mode of the subsequent planes will also change accordingly.

(End of this chapter)

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