Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 216 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 216 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (21)
Outside the bunker, the interstellar engineering vehicle independently controlled by the artificial intelligence system Isaac has launched a life-and-death battle with the team of Planet Ex. Runaway mode is on.

An Luo bought two of the latest interstellar aircraft equipped with the most powerful air-to-air weapons, and after Isaac cleared the provocative Xex team, they placed them in the open space outside the bunker.

Ruoci looked at the luxuriously equipped interstellar spacecraft, and didn't know what to say: "What's going on here?"

"Money can turn ghosts around. In this world, all I have left is money. Your exploration team rides on this aircraft, and Theodore, Isaac, and I ride on the next one."

Ruoci is also a woman who works vigorously and swiftly, otherwise she would not stand out among the many members of the exploration team and take up the important position of vice-captain.She patted An Luo on the shoulder: "Theodore will leave it to you." After that, she quickly boarded the aircraft with the detection team.

Isaac carried Theodore's body to another aircraft with An Luo.

"Activate the nuclear bomb." An Luo said, trying to activate the first layer of protection of the nuclear bomb button, but failed.

After trying a few times, she asked Isaac angrily, "What's going on? Is the aircraft broken?"

"No, I have already controlled the artificial intelligence system of this aircraft. In other words, this aircraft is now under your command. I can't let you do such a thing!" Isaac said sternly.

"Theodore is dead, I want to avenge him!" An Luo's suppressed sorrow finally broke out in front of Isaac, "Why don't you let me activate this button, aren't you a demon? Could it be that the dead Theo Couldn't it be your brother Xuan Yu?"

"So you know?" Isaac chuckled, "I thought you didn't remember anything! It seems that you know something. In this case, you should know even more, because you are my brother's favorite woman , I can’t let you do this, this is not your task, you will be punished by God if you hurt innocent people at will! Yes, Theodore died of delayed treatment by the people of Planet Ex, but Ex Are all the people on Planet Si evil?"

"You're not Chi Mei! Chi Mei wouldn't say such a thing!" An Luo became furious, took out his weapon and pointed at Isaac: "Master Chi Mei is world-weary and sick. He is an evil ghost from hell. Mad Demon on the tip of my heart, if you are really Master Qi Mei, you will definitely support me!"

Isaac laughed: "I remember, you are the girl who told me that I will have a 2-year sentence in the future, right? So you should also understand that if you act according to my code of conduct, you will What punishment! People change, and so do I."

An Luo's tears flowed down, she knew that Isaac was right, but she didn't want to admit it.

Isaac continued: "Put down your weapon, An Luo. You know, if you press this button, you will get at least 1000 years in prison from the Lord God. Believe me, we have other ways to not be dirty There is also a way to get revenge if you take your own hands."

An Luo calmed down, put down his weapon, and returned to Planet Bulu.

"Theodore, I'll take you home!"

(End of this chapter)

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