Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 218 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 218 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (23)
An Luo knew that Xuan Yu had already gone to the next world, and she shouldn't feel sad here.

Ruoci also often visited Theodore, and An Luo met her several times here.

"I'm sorry about what happened that day." Ruoci said to An Luo.


"It was the day you went to rescue us on Planet X." Ruoci seemed a little ashamed.

"It's okay, you... like him?"

"No, you misunderstood." Ruoci shook his head, "We know very clearly that for the past two years, every morning, the first voicemail that the captain issued to confirm safety must be for you. The team members all asked curiously. He has never seen what kind of people are in that interstellar engineering vehicle, why he cares so much, but he said that the people there are his most important people. Even this long vacation..." Ruoci's tears fell on her hands on stroking white flowers.

"What happened to this long vacation?"

"He said that he finally had time to date the girl he loves, and he even thought about the proposal. However, he only took one day off and came back, and never mentioned you again .We took it for granted that he was rejected by you. This is not surprising, you are a billionaire, and we are just ordinary exploration team members who earn salaries."

What Ruoci said was right, if An Luo hadn't been overjoyed by the local tyrant, he wouldn't have lost sight of who the person in front of him was.

"He is still a very strange person to me. Even if I like him, it still takes time to get to know him, right? Unfortunately, he is too cruel and didn't give me this time." An Luo explained.

"You are right, he is really too cruel." Ruoci stretched out his hand to An Luo, "Anyway, thank you for supporting the Interstellar Exploration Team during this period of time!"

"It should be! If I'm not busy with my own affairs, I would like to join your exploration team."

"It's better not to! If you come, then I, the captain, will have to let Xian go."

Ruoci and An Luo looked at each other and smiled.

After five years of interstellar exploration, An Luo found more than a dozen planets with rare mineral deposits, and applied for the mining rights of these planets.While her aura grew, her assets also increased, and she had already entered the top five on the Bulu Planet Rich List.

But No.1 is still Jon the Dryad. He often said to An Luo: "Now is the era of getting rich with technology. How can you compare to me when you get rich through hard mining?"

"Believe it or not, I will raise the price of polysilicon now?" An Luo retorted, this is an important raw material for making chips, and it is especially important for Jon's company.

Jon smiled: "Then I will raise the price of my product, what are you afraid of?"

"Then I'll stop supplying your company! Lydia, did Ibuxiu come to talk to us about importing high-quality monocrystalline silicon a few days ago? I remember that company should be the No. A competitor?" An Luo asked his assistant Lydia.

"Yes, master, this is the price they offered." Lydia opened a file on the tablet and wanted to hand it to An Luo.

But Jon stopped him with a smile: "No, no, I'm just kidding! Your career is not only important, but also very important!"

"It's almost there!"

While An Luo was chatting with Nine-Tails Charlotte, Jon approached Lydia: "Little sister, you have been An Luo's assistant for more than five years, right? How much salary does she give you? Come to me, I will give you ten times!"

(End of this chapter)

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