Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 219 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 219 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (24)

An Luo's artificial intelligence robot Isaac came over and pushed Jon away unceremoniously: "Mr. Jon, please don't harass my fiancee."

Jon was taken aback. He knew Isaac was beside him, but he never thought that he needed to care about an artificial intelligence robot, let alone that the beautiful girl in front of him was the robot's fiancee.

"Are you kidding me? Isaac?" Dryad Jon has a good temper under normal circumstances, especially when he knows that he is facing the Xishan Demon, not to mention that this guy is still a robot, and he can't beat him no matter what There is a chance.

As a rich man, you should cherish life; as a rich public figure, you must exercise restraint. If you turn around with a bruised nose and a swollen face, how will the news be reported tomorrow?

Lydia didn't want Isaac to run away, she hurriedly stopped in front of Isaac, and politely said to Jon: "I'm sorry, Mr. Boone, Isaac's tone is bad, please forgive me. Besides, Ai Sack and I did get engaged."

Jon glanced at An Luo in panic: "I'm not dreaming, am I? How can artificial intelligence marry people?"

An Luo smiled and said to him: "What's wrong with this? We have even consulted the lawyers of Bulu Planet, and there is no problem."

"Wait a minute, I seem to have some design inspiration, I have to go back quickly. Also, when is the wedding?" Jon asked.

"On the first Sunday of next month, invitations will be sent to you within two days. Come and help Isaac out!"

"What, Lydia is the girl of our planet, we have to help her out! Isaac, I really admire you!" Jon left in a hurry after finishing speaking. After returning, he immediately organized The team started to develop black technology suitable for the marriage life of artificial intelligence and human beings. He felt that Isaac and Lydia would definitely be able to create a trend, and as a result, as he guessed, the phenomenon of artificial intelligence and human marriages began to increase.Other companies wanted to develop some black technology to support such marriages, but they had to lose to Jon, who had already seized the opportunity and was prepared.

Therefore, Jon also made a lot of money because of this, and even monopolized the industry.

In order to prevent himself from disappearing from this world after completing all the aura collection tasks suddenly, An Luo gave Isaac all the property under his name in advance, of course, it was consumed by her outside the system.In the system, she plans to keep it for use in future planes.

She has also considered the will, but her body is powered by mana. Once the aura is successfully collected, her soul will leave this plane, and her body will turn into a stone. From the outsiders' point of view, she will be invisible. In this case, it will take a long time for Isaac to inherit the will.Moreover, as An Luo's artificial intelligence robot, and Lydia as An Luo's assistant, both of them may be subject to suspicion from the outside world.So An Luo simply put Isaac's name on all the purchased real estate and bank accounts. Anyway, her out-of-system finances are usually handled by the two of them, so even if she suddenly disappears, there will be no problems.

After another ten years, An Luo finally successfully completed the collection of all the auras in the starry sky after excavating a radioactive francium ore planet, and returned to the void.

In this plane, An Luo has increased by 46 levels, and the self-destruct has been delayed by 460 years.

Xuanyu's mana recovery reached 20%, memory recovery reached 15%.

 This article is scheduled to be released on the 25th of this month, which is next Tuesday, and the cute little one who raises the article can take advantage of this weekend to slaughter Wenwen.

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(End of this chapter)

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