Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 227 The East and the West are All Enchanting

Chapter 227 The East and the West are All Enchanting (08)
Hua Zaichuan passed the Manyue Building, just like yesterday, there were countless girls cheering for him along the way, and he himself was very satisfied with this state.

When he arrived at the Manyue Tower, he looked up, flew directly to the second floor of the Manyue Tower, and said to Princess Xi: "Congratulations, you have successfully got rid of the scumbag!"

Princess Xi said shyly, "Thank you!"

Then he said to An Luo: "Congratulations, it looks like you are going to be the first lady!"

An Luo felt that he was going to be pissed off by Hua Zaichuan, and said to him, "I won't marry him!"

Hua Zaichuan laughed. At this moment, a man in an amber official uniform walked up to the second floor. Judging from his official uniform, it was exactly the same as Hua Zaichuan's ivory-white official uniform.

The man's complexion is slightly dark, but his appearance is handsome. Although he looks a little feminine, his gestures are full of heroism.

"Master Hua, your team is blocking traffic on the street, but you are chatting with girls here, isn't it appropriate?" the man said.

Hua Zaichuan glanced at him and sneered: "What's inappropriate? It's just a greeting. When is it your turn to take care of me?"

"Yesterday, the Holy Majesty said that the West Factory has the role of supervising the East Factory, and my official rank is higher than yours, and my seniority is even longer than yours. I am qualified to say what I just said because of emotion and reason." The man Seriously.

Hua Zaichuan gave him a hard look, and jumped down from the second floor.

The man looked at An Luo and said to her: "The style of clothes is good!" After speaking, he walked down the second floor.

An Luo looked at his out-of-fit coarse cloth clothes, and felt that it was time to change clothes, otherwise it would be a bit eye-catching.

"Um, who is this person!" Someone asked quietly.

"You don't know yet, do you? Recently, the Holy Majesty temporarily set up the West Factory. This is Li Mu, the governor of the West Factory who just took office yesterday. It is said that he has just returned with his fleet. He has been away for five years and brought back countless treasures. His Majesty was overjoyed with the tributes from various countries, so he rewarded him with the Governor of the West Factory.” One person began to talk eloquently.

Princess Xi and the others went home after chatting for a while. An Luo approached the waiter and asked him if he knew where the largest brokerage house in the capital was.

In that dynasty, buying and selling houses had to go through an intermediary, and the intermediary at that time was called a broker.

Xiaoer introduced the most famous family to An Luo, and An Luo went to have a look while he had nothing to do.

This brokerage shop is located in the busiest street in the capital. After An Luo came in, an old gentleman came over and said, "Girl, please come inside. May I help you?"

"I want to buy a house."

The old gentleman looked at her and asked: "Miss, we are all building mansions here in the capital, I'm afraid..."

An Luo took out a 200 tael silver note and handed it to the old gentleman: "Money is not a problem, but I have higher requirements."

"No, no problem, we must choose according to the girl's request."

An Luo chose here for a long time, and fell in love with an old house of the former Imperial College Supervisor, which is located in the north of the city, with a quiet and elegant environment, and the most important thing is that there is a ready-made library inside.It is said that the adult loved reading all his life and had a collection of countless books, but unfortunately he had no descendants. His nephew wanted to sell the house and these books this time.

An Luo's task is to study, so this kind of house is suitable for her, otherwise she would have to buy books again.

(End of this chapter)

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