Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 228 The East and the West are All Enchanting

Chapter 228 The East and the West are All Enchanting (09)
An Luo settled the house that day, got the deed and land deed, and met the old housekeeper who has been taking care of the house.

The old butler seemed very reluctant to be here, and he was in tears.

"Uncle, uh, do you want to stay?" An Luo asked him.

"What? Miss Liu, is this really appropriate?"

"What's wrong? I don't have any servants around me. Not only you can stay, but other servants can also stay if they want to. If you see what is missing in this house, just add it. However, we all have to rebuild Get someone to sign the contract."

Hearing what An Luo said, the old butler was very moved.

The broker's house can be responsible for these contract signing matters, so An Luo asked Mr. Zhao, who helped her buy the house, to be responsible for all follow-up matters.

Back at the Manyue Building, it was already very late, and the owner of the Manyue Building came over to say hello to An Luo.An Luo felt very strange, how could the boss be so enthusiastic all of a sudden?In the end, the boss said to An Luo: "Miss Liu, the governor of the West Factory sent someone to bring you a gift today, and it has been placed in your room!"

"Oh!" An Luo felt very surprised, but tried his best to pretend nothing had happened.

When she got to the room, she saw ten bolts of high-quality cloth and silk, two sets of gorgeous dresses, and another letter: "I hope Miss Liu likes it. Sincerely, Li Mu."

An Luo was speechless, it seems that the master of Xichang factory has a big opinion on her set of coarse clothes!

After watching "University" for a while at night, An Luo felt that he couldn't understand, so he had to go into the sealed place and ask the tree demon to explain it for him.

As long as the dryad mentioned the matter of study, he would be full of energy and talk eloquently. After the lecture, he asked An Luo to write his experience.

An Luo held back all night and wrote an experience that he didn't even know what it was. After asking the tree demon to read it, he was severely criticized by him, and finally scolded An Luo so much that he wanted to activate the Thunderbolt Angry!

Finally, the tree demon said to her: "You may still read too little! In fact, you can still find me in that plane. I am now a bachelor of the Imperial Academy, and I am a third grade."

Because she had been busy all day yesterday and then studied all night, she was so tired that she fell asleep without breakfast, and was awakened by knocking on the door in the afternoon.

She came out sleepily to see that it was the shop waiter, followed by a little eunuch holding a brocade box.

"Excuse me, is this Miss Liu?" the little eunuch asked respectfully.

"Yes, is something wrong?"

"This is given to you by my father-in-law, please accept it with a smile." The little eunuch handed over the brocade box.

"Is it the East Factory or the West Factory?" An Luo asked.

The little eunuch was taken aback, and hurriedly replied: "It's Mr. Xichang."

"Oh, okay! Thank you!" An Luo accepted the gift, the little eunuch heaved a sigh of relief, and left with the waiter.

An Luo opened the brocade box and found that it was a set of gold and jade jewelry, including hairpins, necklaces and bracelets.

"What's the matter with this West Factory? The aesthetics are vulgar!" An Luo put the brocade box away, and went shopping in the market by himself, planning to buy some elegant jewelry and clothes that he likes.

"This girl, welcome." The proprietress of a cloth shop invited An Luo in and asked her what she wanted to buy?
"I want to order some clothes."

"No problem, we can come to measure the size of the clothes. May I ask which house the girl lives in? We will go right away."

"No need, I'm right here, please measure the lady boss." An Luo said.

"Here, girl, the cloth here is all high-quality, very precious." The proprietress was a little hesitant.

An Luo felt that he really should change his clothes, otherwise he would really cause trouble for others.

She took out a hundred taels of silver bill and handed it to the proprietress: "Do you think these are enough for a custom set?"

(End of this chapter)

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