Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 229 The East and the West are All Enchanting

Chapter 229 The East and the West are All Enchanting (10)
The proprietress immediately enthusiastically helped An Luo measure the clothes, and promised to deliver them to An Luo's residence within three days.

When we returned to Manyue Tower, it was time to light the lamps. The boss came over respectfully and said to An Luo, "Miss Liu, how did you enjoy your stay in the capital today? Are you comfortable living here? Feel free to tell me if you are not satisfied."

"I think your place is very good, and the food is delicious. I don't want to move away." An Luo replied.In fact, living in this kind of inn is really comfortable, and it is very convenient to eat and so on.

The boss smiled and said, "That's really great. That's it. The governor of the West Factory is waiting for you in the private room on the third floor. This way please."

An Luo felt strange, he had only met the Governor of Xichang once, and he was giving gifts and inviting her to dinner, what was he doing?Could it be that he knows he is rich and wants to get some sponsorship for Xichang?
Feeling uneasy, An Luo came to the third floor. Sure enough, Li Mu, the prince of Xichang, was sitting in front of the window drinking. He didn't wear an official uniform today, but a simple moon white robe. It was a bit touching, even when he saw An Luo coming in, he didn't turn his head, just said: "Sit down!"

The little eunuch next to him poured wine for An Luo, went out with the boss, and closed the door behind him.

Li Mu was still watching the night view of the capital and drinking in silence. He didn't talk to An Luo. An Luo looked out the window. This street is indeed bustling, and there are still many people coming and going.

She waited for a while, and saw that Li Mu had no intention of speaking, so she said goodbye, "Master Li, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first, so I won't disturb you here to be cool."

Li Mu was so angry that she almost choked on wine, so he looked at her and asked, "My Lord has given you so many gifts, so you don't have anything to say? Why don't you wear them?"

"First of all, I am very grateful for your kindness; secondly, I am not a doll that anyone can dress up. If Mr. Chang has such a hobby, turn left when you go out, and the Chunxiangyuan at the first intersection can satisfy all your fantasies; that's all for now. I'm a little busy these days, and I thought I'd send it back to you in two days." An Luo replied as politely as possible.

Li Mu frowned, pursed his thin lips lightly, looked at her for a while before saying, "What did Hua Zaichuan give you?"


Li Mu snorted coldly, took out a small package from behind, and threw it to An Luo: "Didn't he give you the cloak inside?"

An Luo opened it and saw that it was the cloak Hua Zaichuan gave her that day. She kept it well in the room and planned to return it to Hua Zaichuan after the matter was settled in the past few days. How could it be in his hands?
"You searched my room?" An Luo was trembling with anger, "This is simply too much! I want to sue you!"

"Our West Factory has the right to investigate any suspicious person. Even if you sue for impeachment, it's useless." Li Mu said proudly, frowning slightly.

An Luo knew that what he said made sense, so he said, "That's all. Master Hua gave it to me, what's the problem?"

Li Mu took out a cloak embroidered with peacocks on a white background and said to An Luo, "This is what I brought back from Siam, and it is more suitable for you."

An Luo shook off Hua Zaichuan's cloak, put it on, and said to him, "Sorry, I just like this one."

Because he felt that he might have caused hatred for Hua Zaichuan, An Luo said silently: "Master Mi Mei, I'm sorry! Anyway, you often bring hatred to me, so it will be evened."

(End of this chapter)

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