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Chapter 240 The East and the West are All Enchanting

Chapter 240 The East and the West are All Enchanting (21)
An Luo knew that Li Mu would be sad because of this incident, and might even misunderstand her, thinking that she cared about his identity, but everything was the priority of the task, and she didn't want to think about other things for the time being.

Moreover, An Luo also knew that there was not much time left for her.

In another two years, if she is older, these wits will lose interest. After all, no one will be interested in an old girl.

If you want to regain your attractiveness among talented scholars after marriage, unless you have excellent literary talent, you will become a widow.

Jiuwei said to An Luo like this: "After research, apart from being interested in boudoir girls, these talents are most sought after by widows who are rich and talented. Do you want to think about it, get married first, and then... "

Of course, for the sake of mission points, An Luo can't do such things as marrying and killing her husband, or even marrying other people. Let's wait for a few years before talking about it.

After another half a year, An Luo's reputation in the capital is already very big, mainly because her literary talent is getting better and better, and even many talented scholars are ashamed of themselves. Now, many of the beautiful words they write are sincere , and even some people will copy back her articles and poems for speculation.

An Luo simply found someone to compile a collection of poems for himself, for the talented scholars in the capital to circulate.Good literary talent is one aspect, krypton gold players are indeed different from others. Once this reputation is established, others will read the article with a filter.

Not only that, but the matchmakers who acted as matchmakers for An Luo even broke the threshold. After all, there are countless sons in the capital who want to marry her.

An Luo rejected all these marriage proposals on the grounds that he was weak and unable to carry on the family line of his husband's family, so it was not suitable for him to be a wife.

On this day, An Luo took a small sedan chair to go to King Jing's mansion to meet Princess Xi, but was stopped by a group of people.The head of the nursing home in An Luo's residence asked, "Who are you?"

"My son is Master Hua, the son of Dongchang Hua Qiantui."

An Luo has long heard that recently, when Li Mu was on an envoy to other countries, Hua Zaichuan became the most popular person around the Holy One, and was even bestowed the title of Thousand Years by the Holy One, which can be said to be in the spotlight.

This young master Hua is actually Hua Zaichuan's nephew. When Hua Zaichuan was young, because of his poor family, he was sent to the palace by his cruel brother to be a eunuch. Later, he was bullied to death in the palace. With his identity, he has climbed all the way to his current position.

Now that Qi Meihua has flourished in Sichuan and has become the governor of the East Factory under one person and above ten thousand people, his brother naturally posted it up, and insisted on adopting this son to him.

Hua Zaichuan is not interested in such things as adoption, but his brother has already spread the word that his son is Hua Zaichuan's godson.

This kid is actually only two years younger than Hua Zaichuan. He bullies men and women and commits all kinds of crimes. Hua Zaichuan is busy with East Factory affairs, so he doesn't care about these little things.

An Luo's nursing home asked these people to get out of the way, but they refused to let go, and even beat An Luo's men.

There were many people around on the street, but no one dared to speak out. After all, this is the godson of Master Hua of Dongchang, so who dares to care?
An Luo heard a voice in front of his sedan chair saying: "Miss Liu, I am the famous Young Master Hua in the capital. I have heard that Miss Liu does not want to marry anyone. That's just right, come to my house and be my concubine! However, I still want to see if Miss Liu is as beautiful as in the legend."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and opened the car curtain.

(End of this chapter)

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