Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 241 The East and the West are All Enchanting

Chapter 241 The East and the West are All Enchanting (22)
As soon as the unlucky boy opened the car curtain, he was kicked away by An Luo.

An Luo only used less than 1% of her strength, she didn't want to make a fuss and then run away.

But even so, the kid still flew a foot away, then vomited blood, unable to move.

An Luo came out, and all the people present were astonished for a moment.

She just came to this plane, and she looks like an ordinary and delicate girl. Over the past year, due to the addition of her own goddess level and the sublimation of her temperament caused by reading, she looks like a fairy descending from the earth. Dignified and beautiful.

"This Miss Liu is really beautiful."

"Isn't that so, no wonder all the sons in the capital want to marry her."

"But people don't want to marry!"

"I heard that he is in poor health!"

"I'm not in good health, so much strength? Didn't you see how far you kicked the dude?"

"That's right!"

An Luo said to the friends around Young Master Hua: "Young masters, please leave the medical expenses for my nursing home and bearers, otherwise I, Liu Xiaoyu, will not obey me."

That Young Master Hua didn't seem to be seriously injured, but he was still stubborn: "Wait, I'll go back and tell my adoptive father to see if he will tear you to pieces?"

An Luo chuckled: "Then I'll wait here. You go back and tell your adoptive father. If he refuses to come and pay for the medical expenses, I won't obey."

Young Master Hua's friends helped him to leave in a hurry, but An Luo's nursing home and bearers were not too seriously injured. Several bearers sent her to Princess Xi's house.

At this moment, someone said: "People from Dongchang are coming! So fast? Let's stay away."

I saw Hua Zaichuan galloping towards An Luo on a tall horse, got off the horse, and asked with concern: "Miss Liu, are you injured?"

An Luo shook his head: "I'm fine, but my nurse and bearer are injured."

Hua Zaichuan said unhappily: "What kind of nursing home are you! With such skill, can you protect you? Come on! Go to my house quickly, pick four nursing homes with the best martial arts, and give them to Miss Liu." Send it to the house!"

Jin Yiwei from behind said: "Yes!" and left in a hurry.

The melon-eaters who were nearby were all dumbfounded. They wanted to see Hua Zaichuan come to avenge her godson, but why is this painting style so weird?

An Luo said to him: "Thank you, Mr. Hua, it's just that your godson was kicked by me, do you know? I really didn't mean it, but I was too scared, and I only shot for self-protection. Please don’t take the blame, my lord.”

Hua Zaichuan said to her: "Since the shot was for self-protection, it is naturally self-defense. How can I blame the Governor! Someone, bring that bastard here."

Jin Yiwei brought that Young Master Hua over and threw him on the ground.

Hua Zaichuan continued to ask: "According to the laws of the Ming Dynasty, what crime should one be responsible for forcibly robbing women in the street?"

A Jin Yiwei replied: "With a staff of one hundred, I will be exiled and exiled to the army."

Hua Zaichuan said sternly: "I, Hua Zaichuan, am an upright person. I hate bullying men and women the most. Today, my own nephew committed a crime. It really shames my Hua family. Come on! Use him as a street stick!" Responsibility for one hundred, sent to the Ministry of Punishment, exiled into the army."

"Father, uncle! Please forgive me, my son won't dare!" The young master Hua screamed in fright, Hua Zaichuan turned a deaf ear to it, and just said to An Luo: "Miss Liu doesn't want to watch bloody things like this. It's getting late, I'll send a few Jinyi guards to take you to Prince Jing's mansion, so that Princess Xi won't be worried. Don't forget to tell her that I did a good job today!"

(End of this chapter)

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