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Chapter 246 The East and the West are All Enchanting

Chapter 246 The East and the West are All Enchanting (27)
Princess Xi is almost 19 years old now, Prince Jing has been looking for a county horse for her, but for some reason, she has repeatedly failed.

No matter who the son is, Princess Xi can pick out the faults, and there are a few others who, by such a coincidence, were raided by Dongchang.

Several times later, there were rumors that Princess Xi was in bad luck, Kefu.It is said that her first fiancé, Xu Boren, the number one scholar, came to a miserable end. At that time, she thought it was Xu Boren's misbehavior, but now it seems that it is likely to be caused by Princess Xi's order. Therefore, no one dares to propose a marriage .

The news spread more and more violently, and even Prince Jing couldn't control it anymore, and even reached the ears of the Queen Mother, who was furious: "Someone dares to dislike my royal family and noble daughter? If that's the case, let's throw a hydrangea ball and make a decision!"

"Throwing, throwing the hydrangea?" Prince Jing wanted to say, how could such a big marriage be such a trifling matter, but the Empress Dowager had already opened her mouth and could no longer take it back, so Princess Xi threw the hydrangea at Prince Jing's mansion on the seventh day of July.

As a result, Princess Xi threw the hydrangea to a handsome scholar.Prince Jing took a look and felt very satisfied, but when he took a closer look, he was shocked: This is Hua Zaichuan!
"How is this possible? It doesn't count!" Prince Jing shouted.

Hua Zaichuan smiled and said, "Why not? The Empress Dowager has already released me from slavery. Like everyone else, I am a citizen of Ming Dynasty and have the right to marry."

"Hmph! You are a eunuch, how do you get married?"

"Nowadays, the Daming law doesn't say that eunuchs can't marry, so I can."

King Jing was furious and told the matter to the Holy Majesty, and the Holy Majesty asked, "What do you think, Princess Xi?"

Princess Xi replied: "My sister has long admired Master Huazai Chuanhua, and I threw the hydrangea to him this time because my sister voluntarily."

"Uncle Huang, Sister Xi said it was voluntary, which is a beautiful thing!".

The queen mother said beside her: "Since the decision was made by throwing a hydrangea ball, Prince Jing shouldn't go back on his word. Such an attitude is simply an insult to the royal demeanor."

Prince Jing wanted to cry but had no tears, and Concubine Jing was so sad that she shed tears every day.

Despite this, Princess Xi married Hua Zaichuan without hesitation.

After that, everything became calm. The two factories in the east and the west controlled the government. On the surface, the governors of the two factories controlled each other, and the situation was in turmoil. In fact, it was the exchange of news and close cooperation between the Meimei and the Xuanyu brothers.

What's even more frightening is that it is the Queen Mother, who is the Nine Tails of this plane, who connives them behind their backs.

In fact, when An Luo knew that it was the queen mother who proposed the idea of ​​throwing hydrangea balls, she knew that the queen mother was unreliable. It turns out that all of this was planned by them, in order to let Princess Xi and Hua Zaichuan get together smoothly .

"But why did the Queen Mother help him?" An Luo asked Li Mu, "Could it be for the pleasure of helping others?"

"Do you remember that treasure map? Master Chu's secret treasure." Li Mu asked her.

"Remember, what happened?"

"The treasure map was found by Hua Zaichuan a year ago. He followed the map and found a treasure. Among them was a treasure that the Queen Mother wanted very much, so the Queen Mother agreed to help him."

Only then did An Luo realize that it was no wonder Hua Zaichuan was so arrogant. It turned out that the treasure map was what the Queen Mother wanted from the very beginning, and he was just the executor.

It took more than half a year, and An Luo forgot to sleep and eat, and finally completed the first to fourth volumes of "Li Mu's Travel Notes".

The book was published and sold out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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