Chapter 247

An Luo, he never expected that he could have tens of millions of readers by relying on his adaptation of travel notes. This is ancient times!After that, she often went out to sea with Li Mu and helped him write travel notes.

For the next ten years, the weather was calm, and the Holy Majesty successfully passed the rebellious period and began to accept the existence of Dongxichang. He was sure that they would not only not threaten his power, but could also consolidate the throne.

However, there are always voices of opposition, especially in recent years, the Queen Mother's health has been getting worse year by year, this is tantamount to losing their backer for Hua Zaichuan and Li Mu.

Finally, Hua Zaichuan disappeared with Princess Xi by going to the desert to hunt for treasure.

Some people said that they encountered a sandstorm, but An Luo knew that Princess Xi was actually pregnant, and they had already gone to other places to live.

On the contrary, the Holy One was very happy because of this, and immediately ordered his trusted eunuch to take office and became the new governor of Dongchang.

After taking office, the first task of the supervisor of the new east factory is to destroy the west factory.

Li Mu and An Luo got the news and fled overnight, but were chased and killed by Dongchang Jinyiwei.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyu, I have troubled you." Looking at the hundreds of heavily armed Jinyi guards in front of him, Li Mu held An Luo's hand tightly, "You shouldn't have to suffer this."

An Luo shook his head: "Don't say that, Mr. Xianggong, I am very happy to be with you. Even if I kill so many people, my heart is not disturbed."

Not far away, the dying factory manager of Xindong Factory cursed: "Devils, you are simply devils..." After that, he could no longer speak.

Yes, An Luo accidentally wiped out the hundreds of Jinyi guards who were chasing and killing them, those hundreds of heavily armed Jinyi guards.

An Luo and Li Mu arrived in an ancient western country, settled down, translated "Li Mu's Travel Notes" into the language of this country, and gained a large number of readers.

The new country also has a lot of books, so An Luo spent the rest of his life on this plane reading and being loved by Li Mu. . .

In this plane, An Luo's growth has increased by 51 levels, and the self-destruct has been delayed by 510 years.

In the void, the system said to her: "Your plane has killed too many innocent Jin Yiwei, so you must be punished."

"They are chasing me, I belong in self-defense."

"You can completely use the method of escape. As far as I know, Li Mu had already dragged you to escape."

An Luo was speechless, because the system made sense.

Therefore, after deducting 10 levels this time, the self-explosion was only delayed by 410 years.

"Don't be sad, because your level has exceeded 360, so from now on, you will get all the memories, which is a good thing that no one else has. It's just that, there are happy memories and painful memories , you have to bear all of this."

"I think, I can do it." An Luo knew that everything has a price. If you want to get memories, you have to bear the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys brought by the memories.

"The next plane will open the 5.0 goddess system, the heartbeat goddess system. Your task is to capture the heart of Emperor Xuanyu."

"It doesn't seem necessary? Every time he is very active."

"Uh, it will be different in the future. Xuan Yu's memory will gradually recover, and it will cover his memories in all planes. Perhaps, it will be difficult for him to remember you for a long time."

In another void, Emperor Xuanyu's mana recovery reached 24%, memory recovery reached 18%.All plane memories in the early stage are temporarily suppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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