Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 248 Childhood Sweetheart Kindergarten

Chapter 248 Childhood Sweetheart Kindergarten (01)
[System prompt: Heartbeat value reaches 120, daily heartbeat value multiplied by 10 is your points, heartbeat value range: 50-120]

Calculated in this way, An Luo feels that the heart rate must reach 50 every day, which is equivalent to delaying self-explosion for one day, which is basically the same.

Sure enough, An Luo is a cutie favored by the Lord God.

"Is it counting the heartbeat of the victim? In this case, there can be at least 60 beats per second?" An Luo asked.

【you are right. 】

[The strategy period is three years]

Original owner: Youxi, nicknamed Youyou
Age: 3 years and 9 months
Identity: Illusion, originally did not exist.

Family: Purchased by An Luo from the system, you can choose rich, middle class, poor, any occupation, she chooses.

"It seems that the system has indeed been upgraded a lot!" An Luo sighed, "What about the male god I want to attack?"

【Middle class family】

"Then I should also choose the middle class, otherwise I can't be in a kindergarten, right?"

【Money can be broken! 】


In this way, An Luo started a happy kindergarten life with a lollipop in his mouth, wearing a floral skirt, and hugging a plush bunny.

"Yuyou, from today onwards you are a child in the kindergarten class, work hard!" Mom said to her.

An Luo nodded, said goodbye to his mother, and entered the kindergarten class.

There are twenty children in the class, and three teachers, teacher Li, teacher in charge, and teacher Zhou and teacher Xu in the deputy class.

This is a kindergarten near the community. Basically, all the school-age children in this community are in this kindergarten.

Therefore, the residents of this community call this kindergarten "Childhood Sweetheart Kindergarten".

Today is the first day of the kindergarten, and most of the children are crying. After all, it is a new environment, and everyone feels uncomfortable.An Luo was thinking, would it be strange if he didn't cry now.

"Yuyou is awesome! You didn't cry at all, come here, the teacher rewards you with a sticker." Teacher Li said to her with a smile.

Ah, that's great!It turns out that not crying will not be very strange, and you can get stickers.An Luo proudly pasted the sticker on the skirt, and then came to the classroom to have breakfast.

Now many children don't know how to eat, so the teachers are in a hurry.

This time is a good time to find the male god, he is from time travel, and he will definitely eat!

Thinking this way, An Luo looked around and found eight children who could eat, three of whom were boys.

"The proportion of people who can eat by themselves at this age is not small!" An Luo thought to himself.

"Yuyou, you eat very well! But be careful not to look around and be serious, okay?" Teacher Li said to her again.

"Okay~~~" An Luo's voice was so childish that even she was sore.

Several children were still crying over there, and the teachers were busy teaching them how to eat.

Those boys who can finish eating have already gone to play with toys, An Luo thinks they are quite real, and they don't look like time travelers.

"Who is my male god?"

【His name is Ye Jiuyuan】

"Well, what parents would give such a name?"

An Luo tried to find good-looking boys, and found that everyone was cute, bright and lovely, and the children really looked similar, right?
"Okay! Children, please sit down now and start introducing yourself!"

After everyone introduced themselves one by one, An Luo didn't hear the name Di Jiuyuan.

Could it be that he is not in this kindergarten?Or not in this class?That's really troublesome. At my age, it's impossible to act alone. Wouldn't it be a waste of three years until elementary school?
(End of this chapter)

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