Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 250 Childhood Sweetheart Kindergarten

Chapter 250 Childhood Sweetheart Kindergarten (03)
What do boys of this age like?An Luo looked at his scooter and fell into thought.

"Chenchen! Let's compete on scooters, shall we?"

"do not want!"

"Don't you dare?"

"Who said I dare not?"

So An Luo and Ye Jiuyuan raced scooters on the way to school.

All the way to school like this, Ye Jiuyuan won, and he proudly said to An Luo: "I won!"

An Luo was very angry. Sure enough, a child's body is a child's body. Whether it is the reaction speed or the movement speed, it cannot be compared with before. The most important thing is that the mothers kept shouting: "Yuyou be careful! ! Stop!" "Chenchen, be careful, don't run so fast! There are children ahead!"

[The system prompts that the male god's heart rate has reached 80, congratulations! 】

An Luo was very happy. It seemed that he had succeeded this time, at least he had mastered a skill.

She decided that in the future, no matter if she was playing on a slide or a seesaw, whether she was walking on a balance beam or playing an eagle to catch chickens, she would be by Ye Jiuyuan's side. As long as her heart rate reached 80 once a day, it would be considered a success today.

Basically, his heart rate is stable at around 80 during exercise, so if she can't find a more suitable method, she will be at this level.

"This result is not bad, it is beneficial to the male god's health, and it can also help me upgrade." An Luo told the system.

【You worthless host! 】

"What's so useless? He's still a child. I can't exhaust the child for my own mission, can I?"

[It seems reasonable, but don't you want him to fall in love with you? 】

"What kind of love does such a young child know? You can only let him have fun, right? I have raised at least one child, and I know that boys of this age only play and eat!" An Luo now remembers everything, so he also remembered He told me about helping other people raise their children on the undersea plane.

It has been a month since I came to this plane, and An Luo feels that these days are simply wonderful, her parents love her, and she has all kinds of toys she wants to play with. Finally, her favorite Lego can be picked up again, and her home has become a Legoland.

And because she looks more mature, and sometimes she can help the teacher with some things, so she is also liked by the teachers, and the children also like her very much.

On Saturday, the kindergarten was closed, and An Luo asked the system if the male god is not seen today, what is the heartbeat value?


"Then it seems that we have to find a way to meet him, even if it's just a meeting! At least 60." An Luo is a person with a strong sense of urgency, and it is difficult for her to tolerate wasting every day's time, saying Maybe the next world will be more difficult?You have to accumulate more points in this world.She always told herself that.

"Mom, I want to play with Chenchen."

"That's it, then mom calls Chenchen's mom and asks if he's at home?" Mom really dotes on An Luo.

Mom called and learned that Chenchen was having breakfast at home.

"Sure enough, it's too early now, hahaha!" Mom was very embarrassed, "But my family Yoyo said that I really want to see Chenchen."

"Ah! I didn't expect my Chenchen to have such a good friend after only a week in kindergarten. I'm really touched!" Chenchen's mother was very happy, "Then let's go to the forest park to play together later, shall we?"

There is a well-known municipal forest park near this community, and everyone goes there for a walk on weekends.

So, the mothers of the two families discussed going on a picnic together.

(End of this chapter)

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