Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 251 Childhood Sweetheart Kindergarten

Chapter 251 Childhood Sweetheart Kindergarten (04)
In Forest Park, the mothers prepared delicious picnic food: sandwiches and dumplings, as well as cut fruit.

"Our Chenchen likes to eat watermelon the most." Chenchen's mother said while feeding watermelon to Chenchen.

"My Yoyo prefers to eat grapes." An Luo's mother said, peeling grapes for An Luo.

The two children had enough to eat and drink, and ran to the stream to catch fish.

"Frog! Look, the frog has jumped into the water!" Chenchen shouted excitedly when he saw a frog jumping into the water.

[System prompt: Congratulations, the male god's heartbeat has reached 82! 】

Sure enough, hard work pays off. It seems that this child will be more excited when he sees novel things.

In this case, you should really play with him more and experience new things together.

An Luo was thinking about it, but Chenchen had already caught a frog with lightning speed, and ran back to show his mother.

The mothers yelled in fright, not because they were afraid, but because they were worried that the frogs would have parasites.

After a while, Chenchen ran back and released the frog: "Mom said, take good care of small animals."

"Ah, yes! But you are so agile." An Luo admired.

"What does it mean to be really agile?"

"Just fast!"


It seems that he is really purely a child, and his time travel memory does not know when he will arrive, but these are not important, An Luo thinks that as long as he can play with him, it will be fine.

But, why do you always feel that something is wrong?As if someone is watching you.

She looked back several times, but found nothing, and could only think that she was thinking too much.

Since then, every weekend, An Luo pestered his mother to play with Chenchen. Sometimes, he just went to Chenchen's house to play for a while, and then went home.But even so, it doesn't matter, as long as you can harvest the heartbeat value of meeting.

Chenchen's athletic ability and learning ability were gradually revealed, coupled with his outstanding appearance, he soon became a star in the kindergarten. Not only the teachers liked him, but the children also liked to play with him.

Sometimes, An Luo couldn't grab it at all.

Fortunately, she only needs to say one sentence every day, so she is busy running her own group of friends after completing the daily tasks, because she finds that playing with children is really interesting.

This day, in Forest Park again, when An Luo and Chen Chen were catching fish by the water, a stylishly dressed woman came over and asked them, "Kids, where is your mother?"

An Luo asked her, "Are you okay?"

The woman didn't expect the child to speak like this. She was a little surprised, but she continued to ask kindly: "Auntie has something important to tell your mother."

Chenchen pointed her in another direction and said, "That's over there."

The woman looked at it and felt something was wrong, because there were children next to the tent over there.

At this time, both Chenchen's mother and An Luo's mother came over and asked the girl what's the matter.

The woman looked at Chenchen's mother and said with a smile, "I'm a scout. I see that your baby is cute. I want to invite you to shoot for a magazine."

"We're not interested."

"Go and try, we still have a chance to shoot a movie!"

"Thank you, we're really not interested."

Under the strong insistence of the two mothers, the woman left angrily, but An Luo noticed that Chenchen's mother seemed to be in a bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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