Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 261: Strategies to Learn the Tyrant Male God

Chapter 261: Strategies to Learn the Tyrant Male God (04)
An Luo knew her feelings with Emperor Xuanyu in other planes, but it was really difficult for her to connect these feelings with Ye Jiuyuan in front of her.

"This is just a child!" An Luo felt so, "I still like mature men."

[In order to complete the task, you should still be more sincere. 】

"I try my best."

An Luo's system has always been quiet. About this time, seeing An Luo always using crooked methods, he really couldn't bear it.

In the following days, An Luo still took the initiative to pass water and towels when the male god was exercising, because other girls did not dare to fight her, and of course they couldn't snatch her, so he could easily talk to Ye Jiuyuan at this time One sentence: "Thank you!"

It's like this every time, that's all.

Finally on the fifth day, Ye Jiuyuan couldn't bear it any longer, and asked her: "You rush to hand me water every day, must there be some purpose?"

An Luo said shyly, "You, how do you know?"

"I've seen through your mind a long time ago. You must want to... compete with me in basketball, right?"

"I... ok! This is exactly my purpose, ahahaha! Can you do it tomorrow?"

"Okay, tomorrow morning, at the school basketball court."

The reason why An Luo postponed until tomorrow was because she didn't know how to play basketball at all, and she wanted to go home and practice.

In the past few days, I have read some and mastered some basic rules. She has good motor nerves, and the original owner has strong abilities. She can also play basketball, but after all, she has never tried it before. I'm afraid it's not that easy.

So when school was over, she deliberately stayed on the basketball court for a while, following the instructions given to her by Master Snake King, and concentrated on practicing here.

"It didn't hit again, it's unscientific! It doesn't fit my personality!" An Luo said angrily.

"So you don't know how to play basketball?" A voice came.

An Luo looked back and saw that it was Ye Jiuyuan.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm on duty today." Ye Jiuyuan replied.

"Oh. Do you want to play together?" An Luo asked him.

"Not interested, I'm here to lock the doors of the stadium."

"Why is the dignified No. [-] Young Master of City S also on duty?"

"Any questions?"


Ye Jiuyuan locked the door and said to An Luo: "Since you don't know how to play, we can cancel tomorrow's game, or change to a sport you are familiar with."

"No, it's just the competition." An Luo is a very persistent person. Since he has already made a decision in front of his classmates, if he cancels it, he will admit he is cowardly.She didn't want to give up.

In the evening, An Luo practiced with his servants on the small basketball court at home for a while, and made great progress.

In the second day's game, An Luo tied with Ye Jiuyuan within 10 minutes.

"Not bad, it seems like you practiced hard for a long time yesterday?" Ye Jiuyuan asked her.

"So you can't even beat a novice like me, you are not good! Keep working hard!" An Luo smiled at him gently.

Ye Jiuyuan ignored her, turned around and left.

An Luo felt that it was really not suitable for him to attack male gods, so he should take the path of exhausted male gods!

Today, the highest heartbeat value is 101. Although the basketball game is only 10 minutes, the competition is still very fierce.

On the weekend, An Luo encountered another problem. He couldn't see the male god, and his heart rate was counted as 0.Last week, because there was an event organized by the school, the meeting was not delayed, but what should we do this week?

Otherwise call for a date!
(End of this chapter)

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