Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 262: Strategies to Learn the Tyrant Male God

Chapter 262: Strategies to Learn the Tyrant Male God (04)
An Luo wanted to date Ye Jiuyuan, but now the problem came, she found that she didn't know his phone number.

There is a group in the class, but it is impossible to add him as a friend.

In this case, let Aite him in the group.

"@夜九远 The weather is nice today, how about going to the park in the city together?"

"Dating in a group?"

"So bold? As expected of the goddess Rina, she's just different!"

"However, Young Master Ye will not agree to a date!"

An Luo said to everyone: "Don't watch the fun, who gave me a call from Young Master Ye?"

"@东方林奈What's the matter?" Ye Jiuyuan still didn't hold his breath, and replied.


"No appointment, no time."

The date failed, and An Luo felt that he was indeed a bit too simple and rude. In this case, why not visit his house?An Luo also tried to go to the mansion that Ye Jiuyuan moved to when he was in kindergarten, thinking that he should have moved, but if he went to ask, he might be able to find out where the Ye family lived now.

She drove to the gate of the villa and rang the doorbell. Someone came over and asked her, "Who are you looking for?"

"I'm Ye Jiuyuan's classmate, and I want to find him."

"Oh, may I ask your name? I'll go and inform the young master."

Unexpectedly, he still lived here. An Luo thought that after his family's assets doubled, he would move to another mansion.

After the guard confirmed, An Luo was invited to come in, and an uncle housekeeper met her and asked her to wait in the lobby.

Not much has changed here, and An Luo feels that it doesn't fit the identity of the Ye family now.

Not long after, Ye Jiuyuan came back from the backyard wearing a simple basketball uniform with a basketball in his arms. A maid handed him a towel. He wiped his sweat and asked her coldly, "How did you find it? Follow me?"

"Young master, this is a bit rude." The uncle housekeeper reminded him from the side.

Ye Jiuyuan frowned slightly, and said to her: "Since you're here, let's sit down and chat for a while! Tell me, what is your purpose?"

"It's okay, I just came to see you, that's all. If you have time, I would like to go out with you."

"I do not have time."

"What about tomorrow? Let's go to the park or the beach together, shall we?"

"not good!"

"Okay then!" An Luo smiled and said to him, "In that case, I'll visit again tomorrow!"

Ye Jiuyuan still sat, closed his eyes, and didn't think about An Luo at all.

An Luo said in his heart, if it wasn't for completing the heartbeat task, who would want to talk to you, what a rude guy.

Of course, she also knew that she was indeed a little too much. If he didn't like her, it would actually disturb his life.

She said to the housekeeper, "I'll go first, thank you!"

The uncle housekeeper had no choice but to send An Luo away.

But just after turning around and taking two steps, Ye Jiuyuan jumped up, rushed over and grabbed her wrist: "Follow me!"

"Where are you going?" An Luo was taken aback, but seeing his aggressive appearance, he had no choice but to follow him first.

Ye Jiuyuan dragged her to the study room, locked the door inside, let go of her wrist, and asked her angrily: "What do you want? Leave as soon as you say, come back as soon as you say? Are you kidding me? "

"What are you talking about? I don't understand!" An Luo pouted and asked him tearfully, "Why are you so fierce?"

"Stop acting in front of me! Your acting skills are the best, do you think I don't know?"

 This chapter was posted twice yesterday, sorry, it has been corrected to a new chapter now, but the title cannot be changed.

  Please forgive me, little cuties.

(End of this chapter)

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