Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 263: Strategies to Learn the Tyrant Male God

Chapter 263: Strategies to Learn the Tyrant Male God (06)
Ye Jiuyuan looked at An Luo resentfully, which made her a little flustered.

Could it be that Dongfang Linai dated Ye Jiuyuan before?No, just try it out.

So An Luo wiped away his tears, took his hand, and said to him: "Since you are so angry, it means you still have me in your heart, right? No matter what I did wrong before, forgive me, okay? Let's start again .”

Ye Jiuyuan pulled away his hand and looked at her warily.

An Luo went on to say: "Actually, you have firmly occupied my heart since I entered school. Although I usually ignore you, in fact, I always pretend to be you in my heart. Your concentration in class, playing ball The heroic appearance at the time is teasing me all the time. My indifference is actually my protective color, I am afraid that I will not be able to compare with other girls..."

"Enough said?"

"I just hope that you can understand me." An Luo raised his eyes and looked at him affectionately.

Ye Jiuyuan took a deep breath and gave An Luo a headache.

"it hurts!"

"It hurts! Let you talk nonsense in front of me? Dongfang Linai is my junior high school classmate. On the day her stepfather passed away, she passed away and was replaced by a flamboyant woman. Last week, for some reason, she His breath suddenly disappeared, and it was replaced by you."

"Do you know who I am?" An Luo asked him in surprise.

"I know, you are Youxi."

It turned out that he had already seen it, and it turned out that he hadn't recovered the memory of the previous plane.

These are two things that An Luo can be sure of.

She felt relieved, at least she knew that Ye Jiuyuan had nothing to do with the previous original owner and former host, that's good!Otherwise, she really couldn't accept it, although she didn't know why.

"Chenchen, I really didn't leave you on purpose to torture you." An Luo grabbed his hand again, "I can't help it, forgive me, okay?"

Ye Jiuyuan said unhappily: "We meet again after a long absence, can't you be more sincere?"

"I'm sorry, I've acted too much, and I can't find myself. You just need to get used to it. It's okay, since we've talked about it, I really don't need to act anymore." An Luo smiled at him Said, "I have nothing to do, I will go back first, and I will visit my aunt another day!"

"Don't change the day, go today! Mom has always missed you." Ye Jiuyuan took her downstairs and said to the housekeeper, "Is your wife at home?"

"At home, there are no other activities today. Just now, my wife asked you if you want to go back for lunch."

"Tell my wife, I'll be right back. Also, I'll take a friend back."

A driver drove the two of them to the Ye family's mansion in the city center.

"Usually I'm the only one who lives here, and my parents and younger brother live in the city center."

An Luo knew that he still missed the time with her in kindergarten, so he refused to leave the house.

After arriving at the Ye family's mansion in the city center, An Luo felt that this was in line with Ye Jiuyuan's father Ye Yichen's status as the richest man.

Entering the main hall of the mansion, An Luo saw Aunt Ye who hadn't seen him for a long time. She wanted to restrain herself and try her best to pretend to be the first time they met. Unexpectedly, as soon as Mrs. Ye saw An Luo, she rushed over in surprise and hugged her: "This Isn't it Youxi? Where have you been all these years? Do you know how much our Chenchen misses you?"

An Luo was startled, Ye Jiuyuan's mother was indeed not extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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