Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 265: Strategies to Learn the Tyrant Male God

Chapter 265: Strategies to Learn the Tyrant Male God (08)
The class group exploded, and they were still watching jokes in the morning. The first young master of S City, Ye Jiuyuan, rejected the invitation of the campus goddess Dongfang Linai. This incident was enough to be talked about for a few days.

Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, Ye Jiuyuan went uncharacteristically and even took the initiative to date Dongfang Linai.

It seems that the relationship between the two is real!
or. . .

"@夜九远, have you been kidnapped by Sister Linai? If so, just say that the weather is good today!" Ye Jiuyuan's good buddies sent greetings one after another.

An Luo replied in the group: "Aren't you going too far? Shouldn't you congratulate me at this time?"

Today, the highest heartbeat value of Ye Jiuyuan harvested by An Luo was 102, which was the moment when he was the most angry.

After blowing the sea breeze by the beach for a while, An Luo asked him, "Are you free tomorrow?"

"Should we study at home?"

"Why don't we go surfing together?"

"Do you know?"

"Not really, but I can learn. Can you teach me?"

"Nor do I." Ye Jiuyuan stroked her hair, "I actually don't like this kind of strenuous exercise, why do you always like to challenge me? Why don't you take a yacht tomorrow! I'll call a few more Classmates, let's all go together!"

So the next day, a few students in the class who had a good time with Ye Jiuyuan went out to sea on a yacht together.

On the yacht, the wind was extremely strong, and An Luo stood outside to blow the wind. Just now when Ye Jiuyuan was driving the yacht himself, his heartbeat increased to 95 from nervousness, which was regarded as overfulfilling the task.So, she doesn't want to get close to him anymore, it's unnecessary.

Ye Jiuyuan came out of the yacht cabin, approved a coat for An Luo, and asked her, "What are you thinking? Why don't you play with everyone?"

"I just want to see the ocean."

"What's the point? It's summer vacation next month, and the school organizes us to travel to the islands near the equator. If you don't want to go, the two of us, take advantage of this time and find a place to date alone, okay?"

An Luo trembled in his heart, raised his head and said to him, "I want to travel with everyone."

"Uh, that's fine!" Ye Jiuyuan smiled awkwardly and returned to the cabin.

An Luo sighed, she knew that she would leave in two years, so she didn't want to get too close to Ye Jiuyuan.Now in this state, I have to approach him every day, which is so contradictory.

Since the Lord God took care of her and Xuan Yu's family so much, why did he insist on letting himself be a hindrance to him?
In the next period of time, Dongfang Linai's relationship with the first young master of S City has basically become a well-known matter in the city.But because of this incident, the non-CP temperament accumulated by the female war god was completely destroyed by her.

The girls who admired her before were so angry: "This is the legendary man Biao! On the surface, he played basketball with the male god and called him brother and brother together, but in the blink of an eye, he put the male god under the pomegranate skirt. Admiration! Do you still worship her?" ? May you be surrounded by such girlfriends!"

Of course, An Luo doesn't care about wind reviews, it's nothing, as long as he can get a heartbeat value above the pass level every day.There is another crucial thing, of course, is to learn.

She has already made a bad comment on the style of the female God of War, but it can no longer affect her college entrance examination results.

Therefore, apart from playing basketball with Ye Jiuyuan for a while every day, An Luo is studying the rest of the time.

The knowledge in high school is nothing to her, because her memories of the previous planes have all come back, so she still remembers what she studied at the beginning.But you also have to strive for excellence.

"First in the school year, Dongfang Linai actually got the first place in the school year? How is this possible?"

"That's right! Didn't it mean that women in love have bad brains?"

"Why do all good things belong to her?"

(End of this chapter)

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