Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 266: Strategies to Learn the Tyrant Male God

Chapter 266: Strategies to Learn the Tyrant Male God (09)
Thinking of the countless days and nights he spent studying hard all night, An Luo felt that it was nothing miraculous for him to get the first place in this school year.

"Congratulations!" Ye Jiuyuan said to her, this guy was evenly matched with her and tied for first place.

"Thank you! Congratulations to you too!" An Luo smiled and shook hands with him.

In fact, she can't be regarded as dating Ye Jiuyuan at all, it's just that the students don't know the truth, and they can only be said to have childhood sweethearts, because of An Luo's repeated estrangement, Ye Jiuyuan's enthusiasm has been suppressed It's almost wiped out.

She was afraid, she didn't want the Goddess of War to continue to associate with him after she came back.

However, things are beyond her control, based on their current relationship, as long as the Goddess of War works a little harder. . .Forget it, An Luo doesn't want to think about it anymore.

"Hey, why are you in a daze?" Ye Jiuyuan asked her, "Let's celebrate tonight!"

"No! Although you are the second generation rich, I think it's better not to be too ostentatious, right? Go back and spend more time with your family, isn't it good?"

After hearing these words, Ye Jiuyuan frowned slightly: "It's not your turn to teach me, right? Who do you think you are?"

An Luo spread his hands and shrugged lightly: "Who do you say I am?"


"Come to me after you figure out the answer." An Luo pushed his chest and returned to the classroom.

In the afternoon, the teacher moved her seat from the nursing area to the Xueba area, which was next to Ye Jiuyuan.

"Dongfang Linai, congratulations on getting the first place in the school year. I hope you will continue to work hard and create brilliance!"

"Thank you teacher, I will try my best."

After she sat down, Ye Jiuyuan glanced at her and turned her head away, looking really angry.

An Luo was also in a bad mood, so he found a coach at the beach to teach him how to surf. City S is a seaside city with unique conditions. It is really interesting to be able to surf here.

An Luo is familiar with other sports, but she is really not very good at those that require skills, such as surfing and skiing.

So she wants to take this opportunity to study hard, anyway, she can remember what she has learned now, and she feels full of strength when she learns.

When she was practicing at the beach, she suddenly heard the screams of the girls on the beach: "Oh my god, it's Young Master Ye!"

"How did he come?"

"He has no female companions around him!"

"I heard he had a fight with Dongfang Linai today! Young Master Ye, look at me!"

An Luo sighed, ignored him, and continued paddling at the beach.Sure enough, Ye Jiuyuan still walked up to her, knelt down on one knee and asked her, "What are you busy with?"

"I want you to take care of it?"

"Let's study together."

"do not want!"

"You are my most important person."

An Luo was stunned, why are you talking about this at this time?The coach is still there.

She stood up and said to Ye Jiuyuan, "Don't make trouble!"

"I didn't make trouble. You are right today. I shouldn't refuse your kindness. You are my most important person, so I should listen to your advice." Ye Jiuyuan said, "Let's end today's class here." Let's go home together, my brother misses you!"

"Don't talk nonsense, he can't miss me."

"Okay, okay, I missed you, and even though I've seen you at school all day, I still want to have dinner with you today, okay?"

An Luo was speechless, what happened to this guy, but he said so, what else can he do?Of course I accepted the invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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