Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 270: Strategies to Learn the Tyrant Male God

Chapter 270: Strategies to Learn the Tyrant Male God (13)
Ye Jiuyuan took out an exquisite box and handed it to An Luo: "This jewelry should suit you very well."

An Luo opened it and saw that it was a jewel-encrusted necklace, and she seemed to have seen this necklace before, but she couldn't remember it for a while, because time was tight, after she put it on, she set off with Ye Jiuyuan up.

When they arrived at the ball, everyone was surprised and said, "Isn't that the sky-high price gemstone necklace that was auctioned some time ago?"

"I heard that it was sold at a sky-high price of 7000 million, and it was bought by the Ye family."

It was only then that An Luo remembered that this was the sky-high priced necklace sold at the auction in S City a few days ago. She really didn't know that it was bought by the Ye family.

She pulled Ye Jiuyuan aside and said to him: "Such a precious gemstone necklace should belong to your future wife, but I... do you want to continue to associate with Dongfang Linai after I leave?"

Ye Jiuyuan laughed: "You are really jealous. In fact, 7000 million jewelry is really nothing to my family. You think too much."

"Really? Is poverty limiting my imagination?" An Luo smiled awkwardly.

Others, however, apparently don't think so.

Take Xuancheng for example, he asked An Luo: "You agreed to his marriage proposal, didn't you?"

"That's not the case! Don't worry! I will definitely protect your little heart! Isn't it okay?"

Xuan Cheng said angrily: "It's not too bad. Let me tell you, if I dare to get engaged to him, I will dare to mess things up. Do you believe it?"

"Believe it, why don't you believe it? What can't you do?"

"Why do I feel so awkward hearing this? Anyway, it's good that you know!" Xuancheng looked down at An Luo, and then went to ask other girls to dance. It seemed that he wanted to let himself go for the past two years.

An Luo sighed.

The next day, the news in the entire city of S was reporting on this incident.

"Engagement? Official announcement? Dongfang Linai wears a 7000 million necklace from Ye's family to the ball. It seems that something good is coming soon."

Good things are close to your head, you are only a high school student, how can you think about these things?

An Luo was very helpless, she went directly to Ye's house and returned the necklace to Mrs. Ye.

"Auntie, you know about me, so I'm sorry, but I can't accept this necklace."

"It's Jiu Yuan who doesn't think about things. I should be sorry." Mrs. Ye took back the necklace.

Later, Mrs. Ye wore it several times in public, and said to the inquiring reporter: "The relationship between the Dongfang family and my family is very good. I treat Dongfang Linai like my own daughter, so last time she attended a ball, I gave this piece to her." I lent her the jewelry, but I didn't expect it to cause such an uproar. Both Dongfang Linai and Jiu Yuan are still students, I hope friends from the media don't disturb them, and let them devote themselves to their studies."

Because of this incident, Ye Jiuyuan was angry for several days, and then slowly realized that he was not thinking so well.

During the winter vacation, Ye Jiuyuan and Yue Anluo went to a certain island on the equator for vacation.

This island is very beautiful, with golden sunshine, pink sand beaches, blue waters, and luxurious hotels.

However, the two of them were not the only ones who came to the island, Xuan Cheng also followed. It seemed that he decided to keep a close eye on them.

After a long time, Ye Jiuyuan and Xuancheng have become friends. An Luo only needs to wait for them to come back from surfing every day and talk to Ye Jiuyuan, and then they can complete the task of the day, which feels very comfortable.If only the task were always this easy!

(End of this chapter)

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