Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 271: Strategies to Learn the Tyrant Male God

Chapter 271: Strategies to Learn the Tyrant Male God (14)
"Xuancheng, after returning to City S, you won't continue to be a light bulb, will you?" An Luo asked Xuancheng.

Now they are on their way back to S city, it's Ye Jiuyuan's private jet.

Xuan Cheng laughed: "You guys call it a date! What's the point? It's fun for the three of us to play basketball, doesn't it?"

"But I want to be alone with Young Master Ye!"

"It's your thoughts that are dangerous, and I will never give you this chance." Xuan Cheng snorted coldly and turned his head to look out the window.

After school started, various national-level competitions began. An Luo participated in the physics competition, and Ye Shao participated in the biology competition. In this way, one hour of training was added after school every day. Therefore, the sports student Xuancheng still gave up. When the light bulb thing.

The knowledge of high-energy physics learned in the previous plane came in handy. Whether it was instrument operation or theoretical calculations, it was like pediatrics for An Luo.

Therefore, in this competition, as expected, she won the first prize in the physics competition.Therefore, she signed an early admission agreement with a prestigious school.

Ye Jiuyuan also got a good ranking and signed a contract with another prestigious school. In this way, the pressure of the college entrance examination was much less.

Seeing that they did not choose the same university, the students talked a lot: "Maybe there is something wrong with the relationship?"


During the summer vacation, An Luo thought of another good place, which might make Ye Jiuyuan's heart beat faster, and that was the playground.

In fact, playing games can also make his heart beat faster, such as the king.

An Luo tried it once, playing the king next to him, and his heart rate could reach 90, but that was it. Later, he got used to playing, and his heart rate stabilized to around 60 again.

"@夜少, do you want to go to the playground?" An Luo asked him out on WeChat.

"Not interested! That's for children to play with." Ye Jiuyuan replied.

"Then I'm dating someone else!"

"Don't make trouble, what time is it, where is it?"

At the entrance of the municipal amusement park, a luxury car appeared, Ye Jiuyuan got off the car, and An Luo greeted him from a distance.

"Actually, the playground looks quite fun. Aren't we just kids now?" After meeting, An Luo said to Ye Jiuyuan.

"You are wrong, we are big kids."

"What do you want to play? A pirate ship, a roller coaster, or a haunted house?"

"It all sounds scary."

"Then we can both try."

Ye Jiuyuan is very courageous, he is not afraid of any roller coaster or pirate ship, especially the haunted house, he just feels like going home.

"Hey, why aren't you scared at all?" An Luo asked him disappointed.

"What's there to be afraid of? They're fake and ruthless, but you made me flustered." Ye Jiuyuan gave her a blank look, "Since you like this kind of thing, why don't you take a look at Jiuming's homemade haunted house when you have time? That's scary!" Ye Jiuyuan didn't know what to think of, and showed a strange smile.

An Luo narrowed his eyes, looked at him and said, "Isn't that his haunted house? Are you sure he didn't make a random door and take you to the ghost land for a stroll?"

"Don't make trouble, this is a world without supernatural powers! Don't say such unscientific things!"


It seems that we have to continue to do physical exercise. Only in this way is the best way to increase the heart rate.

In a blink of an eye, it's the graduation season. Because of their excellent grades, An Luo and Ye Jiuyuan have already been admitted to prestigious schools in advance, so they are basically waiting for graduation now.

(End of this chapter)

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