Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 287 Raiders Overbearing President

Chapter 287 Raiders Overbearing President (15)
After more than ten hours of labor pains, An Luo finally gave birth to a baby girl.

Ye Jiuyuan accompanied the delivery throughout the whole process. Generally speaking, his performance was quite remarkable, and he did not faint or yell like some expectant fathers.

He kept holding An Luo's hand, cheering her up and adjusting her breathing.

Even after the baby was born, he personally cut the umbilical cord under the command of the doctor, so it can be said that he participated in the whole process of the baby's birth.

The whole body of the baby is red, the big eyes are very cute, and the small nose and mouth are very cute.

An Luo likes it very much.

Ye Jiuyuan watched her breastfeed the baby, and asked her, "If I knew you liked children so much, we should have had more babies in the previous world."

"I think it's just right now." An Luo looked at him and smiled, "I seem to be mentally prepared to be a mother."

"However, I think what you said makes sense." Ye Jiuyuan said, "When I see her, I don't want to leave this world anymore. I want to live forever in this world."

"You know it's impossible."

"I understand, so let's cherish the time in this world." He took a photo of the baby's little hand and sent it to the media.

Three days later, An Luo was discharged from the hospital with the baby in his arms. At this time, there were already many reporters waiting at the gate of the hospital.

Carrying the baby carrier and An Luo on his arm, Ye Jiuyuan walked out of the hospital calmly.

It made headlines again.

"Parent Ye's granddaughter was born, Ye Yichen was overjoyed, and gave a luxurious house to his daughter-in-law."

"Ye Jiuyuan announced that the wedding will be held in three months and the media will be invited to attend."

An Luo began to recover after giving birth. Although she hired some people to help take care of the child, she still insisted on taking care of the child by herself most of the time.

During the full moon wine, Ye Jiuyuan just invited a few friends to celebrate at home.

An Luo looked at these friends, and he understood in his heart that they were all members of their crossing team.

There is Xuancheng, the Snake King, who came back from abroad on purpose; and Luoyao, the Goddess of War, also known as Dongfang Linai, who is now working abroad and has formally dated Xuancheng.

Speaking of which, no matter how you look at it, An Luo feels that Dongfang Linai has crushed Xuancheng in terms of IQ. I really don't understand how she fell in love with him.

There is also Ye Jiuming, this kid is super fond of children, but An Luo remembers that in the previous plane, he and his wife gave birth to many children, but now his wife doesn't know where he is. where.

The other two are Nine-Tails and Dryad from this plane.

Kyuubi ranks first in the list of the world's richest women. It is said that she inherited her rich husband's property and built a business empire with her own hands.

Dryad is a Go player who is famous all over the world.

Therefore, this gathering can be said to be a gathering of big names.

"Yeclub's daughter is really cute, but it's hard work for my An Luo." Jiuwei said to Ye Jiuyuan while looking at the baby, "If you let me know that you treat An Luo badly, be careful and I will stop talking to you." cooperate."

Ye Jiuyuan supported his forehead, and said to Jiuwei: "Don't worry, I will take good care of her." At the same time, he also quietly said to Jiuwei, "I also warn you, don't play An Luo's idea, otherwise I will definitely take care of her." I won't let you go!"

Jiuwei and Ye Jiuyuan looked at each other for a moment, as if they were about to explode, Xuan Cheng and Ye Jiuming who were beside them hurriedly pulled them away to avoid further conflict.

(End of this chapter)

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