Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 288 Raiders Overbearing President

Chapter 288 Raiders Overbearing President (16)
Although there were a few small episodes, overall, it was very harmonious. At least they were very conscious and didn't make a fuss to the point where An Luo needed to use the Wrath of Thunder.

Now Jiuwei's affection for her is getting stronger and stronger, which actually makes An Luo a little uneasy.

In these planes, Kyuubi is always a girl, so she also loves An Luo as a sister.However, the problem is that his real body is actually a boy.

The most obvious change is that in the sealed land, Kyuubi used to appear in the appearance of a girl, but recently he always appears in the appearance of a boy.

He was indeed a very handsome, polite and gentle boy, but An Luo knew that he only regarded him as a best friend.

I don't know when this awkward state will end.

It took more than a month for An Luo's body to fully recover.However, after the child was born, she still needed to capture Ye Jiuyuan's heart rate to complete the task.

Now is the stage of preparing for the wedding. That night, the child had already fallen into a sweet sleep. An Luo returned to the bedroom and flipped through the wedding dress design.

"Wow! These wedding dresses are very beautiful." An Luo said to Ye Jiuyuan.

Ye Jiuyuan said casually, "Really? I think the wedding dress you wore last time was pretty."

An Luo remembered that in the entertainment world, she had indeed held a wedding with Xuan Yu.It seems that his memory has almost recovered, and he can even remember so many details.

"The style is different this time." An Luo pointed to one of them and said, "What do you think of this one? Or I'll choose it."

"Okay, whatever you choose looks good."

"Who said that? The time you set is too close. I'm worried that I won't be able to lose weight by then." An Luo rubbed his stomach and said worriedly.

"Even if you can't reduce it, you still look good." Ye Jiuyuan smiled and leaned over and said, "Besides, you look perfect now."

With that said, he stretched out his hand.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Should it be okay?" Ye Jiuyuan looked at her with a smile.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." An Luo deliberately joked with him.

"Really?" Ye Jiuyuan nodded her forehead, "Then I'll teach you..."

His heartbeat started to speed up.

However, there was a baby crying from next door, An Luo pushed him away, rushed to the baby room like flying, and spent a long time coaxing the baby to sleep again.At this time, she was so tired that she fell asleep.

In fact, it is not impossible to hand over the child to the nanny, but An Luo is really reluctant.Speaking of it, it was really different from when she took care of the giant snake's child in the underwater world. At that time, she gave the child to the nanny and mother, almost without worrying at all.

But now, she is always worried, so she doesn't care much about the wedding.

On the day of the wedding, An Luo put on a beautiful wedding dress and a beautiful little skirt for her little daughter, and put them in a well-decorated stroller, waiting for the wedding to take place.

At this moment, several people suddenly broke into the room, holding weapons, and surrounded An Luo.

"Who are you?" An Luo nervously stood behind his daughter and looked at them.

"If you don't want to die, come with us!" said the leading man.

"What are you going to do?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Come with us!"

An Luo regrets having a baby. It seems that this world is not so beautiful and safe!Why didn't I find out before?She was in a particularly bad mood, and she didn't talk nonsense with them, and directly knocked them down with the wrath of the thunder.

Because the thunder was so loud, quite a few people were disturbed, so they all ran to see what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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