Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 289 Raiders Overbearing President

Chapter 289 Raiders Overbearing President (17)
An Luo explained to everyone that these people wanted to kidnap their mother and child, but it might have been God's blessing, and a thunderbolt knocked them all down.

Investigators came and took these guys away for investigation.

"I was careless." Ye Jiuyuan said, "I made enemies in the business world and left no room for retreat. Instead, it hurt you and your daughter. You must be careful when you go out in the future, and I will provide you with bodyguards."

The wedding went on as usual, and everything went very smoothly, but when exchanging wedding rings with Ye Jiuyuan, she noticed that there were lipstick marks on his neckline.

Maybe the guests will also see it, but everyone will think it was caused by An Luo, so they don't care.But An Luo knew that she had never approached him today.

Pregnancy plus parenting, this period of time is indeed ignoring him.

Maybe herbivorous wolves refuse to eat grass no matter what after eating meat?But, it's normal, what's going on on the wedding day?
An Luo didn't dare to think about it, nor did he want to think about it.

After working all day, the wedding was finally over, Ye Jiuyuan said to send her home, but she said coldly: "No need, I can just go back by myself, there are still some guests here, you should be busy first .”

Ye Jiuyuan looked at her suspiciously, but she ignored her and went home with the child in her arms.

At night, when Ye Jiuyuan came back, she still didn't want to talk to him.

"What happened today? Are you tired?"

"No! Uh, yes, I'm going to bed first." An Luo said, and moved to his daughter's room to go to sleep.

Ye Jiuyuan seemed a little overwhelmed, but he didn't want to argue with An Luo in anger, so he didn't say anything, and went to take a bath instead.

It was when he was changing clothes that he found the lipstick mark on the neckline, he was taken aback, and then laughed.

He took a bath indifferently, changed into pajamas, took this shirt to his daughter's room, and said to An Luo, "Come out, I have something to see you."

"What's the matter, tell me here!"

"That won't work, what should I do if I wake up the child?"

An Luo had no choice but to come out with him.

He put the shirt on the table and asked An Luo, "What's going on?"

An Luo glanced at it, and was furious: "You ask me what's going on? I still want to ask you!"

"I mean, since you saw it, just tell me directly, don't you trust me?"

"Men are big pigs, what is there to trust?" An Luo gave him a blank look.

Seeing her angry look, Ye Jiuyuan was still secretly pleased: "Anyway, you're jealous, aren't you?"

"You misunderstood, it's not jealousy, I'm angry at your betrayal."

Ye Jiuyuan seemed a little disappointed, but he still said calmly: "Well, I won't pursue these details anymore. You can find out who did it by watching the video."

Although she felt that this approach was very boring, An Luo still accepted the suggestion. She asked someone to look through the video of the day, and learned that the lipstick on the shirt was actually glued on by Xiao Zhang on purpose.

"Why did she treat me like this?" An Luo asked incomprehensibly.

"Revenge." Ye Jiuyuan explained, "Actually, your original owner, Qiu Ruoyan, didn't treat Xiao Zhang very well. In the beginning, she often ran against her. She never shared any information or information with her, and was always waiting for her." Seeing her make a fool of herself. So, after learning that we were going to get married, Xiao Zhang was unhappy, but she never showed it."

"This is such a troubled world, why is everything not what it seems at first?"

(End of this chapter)

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