Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 292 Extra Story: Childhood Charm

Chapter 292 Extra Story: Childhood Charm (01)
Darkness, darkness everywhere, where am I?
Mother!Father!elder brother!Where are you?
I'm so cold and so hungry!I am really scared!It's too dark in here.

I remembered, it was Dad!Yesterday, he said he would take me out to play, but he sealed me with two broken stones.

Why?Just because I killed those phoenixes?Why won't you even listen to me?Isn't it because they gossip in front of their mother?Is it because your voice is too gentle when talking to them?

What's wrong with my mother being from the demon clan?Could it be that you, the Phoenix family, are noble?What's wrong with our love of meat?Do you have to love fruit like you?
hateful!Wait for me to go out!All the creatures in Qihuang Mountain must be slaughtered.

But how should I get out?
Am I going to starve to death?

Want to eat meat!
. . . .

I've been locked here for three days, mother, haven't you found me yet?
Why are these two stupid stones so powerful?Can't push it away at all!Father, you are too cruel!Surrounded me with two sealing stones, I'm still a child, what can't be forgiven?

Damn it, if you don't let me go out again, when I go out one day, I will kill everyone outside!all!
"What if I let you out now?" said a sweet, timid girl's voice.

"Sister! You are crazy! It is our task to seal him! How can you have such an idea?" It was also a girl's voice, compared with the other voice, it seemed a little unreasonable, and it was not so soft .

The girl, called her sister, said: "But, he is still a child, and I can't bear to see him suffer in such a dark place."

"He's a child, but a dangerous one, and he'll kill people," said the sister.

"However, he will become stronger and stronger, haven't you noticed? After being sealed here for three days, the aura in his body has become stronger instead? If this continues, we will not be able to seal him sooner or later. It will destroy the world!" retorted the sister.

The younger sister was angry: "What does that have to do with us? Since we were born as the stone of the seal, we should do our part! Let him be a flood in the future, what does it matter to us?"

"An Luo, I believe that this child is kind by nature, and I am willing to help him!" said the sister.

"Are you crazy? Where do you see his kindness? No! That's not the point! As the stone of the seal, you will be punished by God if you lift the seal! I will never allow you to do such a stupid thing!" said the younger sister Then, the sealing effect was strengthened, and the sealed Xiao Mei felt his scalp tingling, and countless thunderbolts appeared in the surrounding darkness.

Yan Mei was so frightened that she cried: "Mother, save me! Brother! Save me!"

"An Luo, stop quickly! Did you cry when you didn't see him?" My sister was also angry.

"This little devil is too cunning! He's clearly pretending! Sister, don't be fooled by his harmless, innocent and beautiful face! He won't be afraid! Everyone in Qihuang Mountain knows that he I was born in a thunderstorm at all!" An Luo said angrily, "It's a pity that I don't know other moves, otherwise I really have to clean up this dishonest little guy!"

"That's two different things!" said my sister. "He's only three years old, and he doesn't understand anything. You'll scare him like this!"

An Luo stopped the thunderstorm, and Qi Mei said, "You are the stone of seal? Why can the stone of seal talk?"

"Our sister is a sealing stone that can absorb aura. After years of practice, I already have a soul." This is the voice of my sister, "Originally, when we sealed you, we should also absorb your aura, but unfortunately, your aura The guardian ability is too strong for us to absorb. Even so, we can seal you, because our sealing ability is the strongest!"

(End of this chapter)

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