Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 293 Extra Story: Childhood Charm

Chapter 293 Extra Story: Childhood Charm (02)
Yan Mei wiped away her tears, and asked childishly, "What's your sister's name?"

"My name is Anqi, are you okay?" My sister said to Qi Mei very gently.

"Sister Anqi, I'm fine, I'm just a little scared. It's really too dark here, I'm so scared, I miss home, I miss my mother." Qi Mei cried again.

An Luo said angrily: "Sister! Listen to his nonsense, they don't care about darkness, don't be fooled by him."

"Children are afraid of the dark, even if he belongs to the demon clan, he is still a child!" An Qi retorted.

"Anyway, you don't want to let him go!" An Luo said.

"No, I'm fed up with this mission, I can't seal a child, I can't do it!" An Qi said, and gradually put away the sealing mana.

An Luo was so frightened that he hurriedly strengthened the sealing mana, trying to surround Qi Mei.

Seeing this, An Qi said to her, "Sister, I'm sorry."

A blast of sky fire hit An Luo directly, and she fainted instantly.

"Although she has fainted now, it is still impossible for you to go out of the aboveground world she sealed. Even if you leave now, you can only go to the underground world. Are you willing to go?" An Qi asked Qi Mei.

"Willing!" As long as she can be free, she can go anywhere, Qi Mei really doesn't want to be locked up.

An Qi put away his mana, and a black vortex appeared in front of Qi Mei.

Qi Mei jumped in, and An Qi followed suit.

An Qi didn't know that her attack was so strong. When An Luo woke up, she was already the sealed magic weapon of Emperor Xuanyu. As for her sister An Qi, she had already sealed the demon. Forgot all about it.

As for the process of her acquaintance with Xuan Yu, she didn't know at all, because the her during that time was actually the later her. (For those who don’t understand, it is recommended to read the text “Brother Phoenix, don’t bite me”).

An Qi fell to the ground, this is the prehistoric age of the underground, as her older sister, she is much stronger than An Luo at the same time, at this time, she can already transform into a human form, now she is seven or eight years old little girl.

Not far in front, there is Miu Mei, who is only three years old, wearing a simple embroidered shirt and shorts, with bare chubby feet, a red rope tied around his ankle, and two small claws on his head. Updo, tied with a red ribbon.With fair skin and extremely beautiful appearance, only a cruel person like An Luo would feel nothing when he saw him cry.

The child is in a good mood now, bouncing around and looking around, just in time to see An Qi, he came over and asked: "Miss sister, what is this place?"

An Qi replied: "Um, I don't know either, I am An Qi, I jumped in with you just now."

"What! I thought you were a local!" Mei Mei looked disappointed, looked at An Qi, and said, "Anyway, thank you! But, what are you doing here?"

"If I let you go, I'm afraid I will be punished by God, so I want to escape and hide for a while."

"As for it? I'm still a child! God won't make things difficult for me." Yan Mei smiled, as beautiful as a flower.

An Qi smiled embarrassedly: "I hope so."

The two walked together, and it didn't take long before they arrived at a small town: the City of Darkness.

It looks gloomy here, full of ghosts and ghosts, Anqi has an urge to seal all of this, but the ghosts seem a little excited as if they have returned home.

(End of this chapter)

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