Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 294 Extra Story: Childhood Charm

Chapter 294 Extra Story: Childhood Charm (03)
"Miss sister, you don't have to follow me anymore, are you afraid that I won't be able to take care of you?" Yan Mei raised her face and said to An Qi.

An Qi shook his head: "But I don't know where I should go. Isn't it good for us to go together?"

"I don't want to bring a woman! It's a burden!" Yan Mei snorted coldly.

An Qi lowered his head and asked him: "Little brother, who told you that women are cumbersome?"

"My uncle said, what's wrong?"

"It seems that the men in Qihuang Mountain are not very good."

"What are you talking about? If you mention Qihuang Mountain again, I'll eat you!" Qi Mei immediately changed her expression and said viciously.

"Okay, I won't say anything." An Qi's voice was sweet and warm, as if she could easily calm Miu Mei, she said, "Even if you are angry, I can't leave a child like you behind. I want to protect you."

"Just kidding, don't think of me as an ordinary child." Yan Mei said, and walked towards the city.

There are evil spirits everywhere here, some are born underground, some cannot practice on the ground, some hide from enemies on the ground, and some are sealed underground like demons.

However, most of them look the same as humans, and overall, this is a simple town.

Qi Mei and An Qi walked into the city and were immediately surrounded.

"Where did the two little dolls come from? They look delicious."

"Yes! It tastes delicious when you look at it."

"Let's keep this female doll and give it to the city lord!"

"I will definitely get a reward!"

A monster stretched out his hand to Anqi, but before Anqi could make a move, Xiao Meimei rushed over and tore the monster into pieces without saying a word.

The monsters around were shocked, and surrounded the two of them, wanting to seek justice for the monster, but in the end, they were either burned to ashes by An Qi with sky fire, or torn to pieces by the demon.

Qi Mei picked up a few hearts and ate them, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and said to An Qi, "I'm finally full."

An Qi annoyed took out a handkerchief, wiped her hands and face for Yan Mei, and said, "Your little hands are so dirty, you can't wipe your mouth clean like this."

Qi Mei was startled, deeply feeling that this girl was different from the coquettish sluts in Qihuang Mountain, if they saw it, they would definitely make a fuss and report to their father, wishing to tell the whole world: Xiao Mei Mei is a monster, heinous.

But I'm just hungry, I just don't like fruit.

The two children walked forward all the way, no matter what kind of monsters they encountered, as long as they tried to get close to them, they would get rid of them.

The strength of the two of them is absolutely crushing.To put it simply, they came to massacre the city.

When they reached the center of the city, they were surrounded by a group of monsters led by the city lord.

The city lord is tall and mighty, and should be the most powerful existence in the entire city.

However, he is still no match for Mimi.

This kid is too ruthless, and his shots are very fast. He is still young, and I really don't know what he will become when he grows up.

This world is extremely simple, since he killed the city lord, then he has the strength to be the city lord.

Thus, within a year, Qi Mei became the king of the entire underground world.At this time, he was less than four years old.

An Qi is Qi Mei's right-hand man, she has been by his side to take care of him, silently making some exquisite food for him.Yan Mei eats a lot, and when she likes it, she gradually feels that cooked food is also delicious, so she seldom eats it raw.

(End of this chapter)

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