Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 295 Extra Story: Childhood Charm

Chapter 295 Extra Story: Childhood Charm (04)
Two years later.

"My lord, come and eat a piece of heart and meat, this is specially caught by the slave family, it's still fresh~~~"

"My lord, let's eat this. I have raised it for a long time, but I killed it just now. The taste is very good~~~"

"Master City Master~~~"

There are many female demons in the dark city, and they all transform into extremely beautiful women, serving as maids beside the charming city lord.

Soon they grasped Mi Mei's preferences, and when An Qi was away, they would feed him raw meat.

Yan Mei likes it very much: "Don't worry, the city lord will eat them all."

Anqi's original intention was to slowly change Mimi's behavior and habits. She felt that Mimi was a child, and habits were formed gradually. What she meant might be similar to how dogs love to chew bones, but they can also eat dog food.

She came over with the cooked food, but she saw that surrounded by the beautiful little banshee maids, she was almost full, and the corners of her mouth were covered with blood.

She asked angrily: "What are you doing? Didn't I tell you? Don't feed the city lord raw meat!"

One of them, a little demon who has been very popular recently, walked over gracefully, and said to An Qi: "Who do you think you are? Let me tell you, the city lord has disliked you for a long time. He also said yesterday that he hates you the most." Talking nonsense every day, and saying that you are no different from the coquettish and cheap people in Qihuang Mountain."

An Qi glanced at Qi Mei.

The child turned his head away and ignored her.

It looks like it's true.

An Qi smiled, and said: "My lord, it doesn't matter what you say, but this servant who conveys the message must never be kept." After she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand to the little demon.

No matter what, this little monster has practiced for hundreds of years, how could he take Anqi seriously.

In fact, these little banshees didn't pay much attention to Anqi, and they didn't even understand why Yanmei always listened to Anqi. Therefore, their main task during this time was to encourage Yanmei to drive Anqi away.

Under the upbringing of these banshees, the current demon has become less and less conscientious. An Qi knows that if this continues, he may become worse than his father feared.

She regretted it very much in her heart, regretting that she should not have listened to her sister.

It is not so easy to change a person, even if it is just a child.

The little demon used mana, but it had no effect on An Qi. An Qi pinched the little demon's neck, and with a little force, the little demon's hundreds of years of Taoism were sucked away by her, and his soul flew away.

The other little banshees were so frightened that their faces turned blue, and they stood tremblingly beside Yao Mei, not daring to speak nonsense.

Even Qi Mei weighed several times in her heart, if she confronted head-on, would she be her opponent.

"Your task is to serve the city lord well. From now on, whoever dares to chew their tongues will die! If you dare not listen to me, you will be sent to the dungeon!" An Qi left after finishing speaking.

Seeing that An Qi was gone, the little demon girls knelt down in front of Mi Mei and said, "My lord, you have to decide for us! We are all here to make you happy!"

Another witch said: "Who is the Lord of the Dark City? Is the Lord Lord afraid of that woman?"

"Why are our city lords afraid of her? That's because we don't want to know as much as her."

"I don't think so, maybe the city lord can't defeat her?"

Shameful and annoyed when she heard this, Xie Mei yelled at the case: "Shut up, why is my city lord afraid of her? Good! My city lord will decide for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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