Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 297 Extra Story: Childhood Charm

Chapter 297 Extra Story: Childhood Charm (06)
Thinking this way, Yan Mei left the City of Darkness and walked towards the place where he was sealed in the first place.

After arriving, he found that An Qi hadn't come back, and An Luo had lost his memory. Like a silly little girl, he knew to play with the tree demon, fox demon and snake demon outside every day, completely unaware of his mission here.

However, even so, she still sealed the entire surface world, making it impossible for him to get out.

He lurks here, patiently waiting for Anqi's return.

An Qi first went back to the place where the charm was sealed, and found that her sister had lost her memory. She felt very guilty, and felt that she was so wrong.

She flew to Qihuang Mountain, hoping to find someone to rescue Xie Mei.

However, she didn't know until she arrived at Qihuang Mountain that Qi Mei's mother had already left this world because of anger. It was rumored that she had entered the practice of reincarnation in the ten thousand realms. up.

The only one who can help Xi Mei now is his older brother Xuan Yu.

"Do you think you are still the little prince of Qihuang Mountain?" A boy's voice said, "Kneel down!"

A young girl's voice came: "Xuanyu, senior sister is doing it for your own good too! Since senior brother told you to kneel down, you should kneel down and admit your mistake!"

"I'm not wrong!" came a cold young boy's voice, it was Xuan Yu.

He is always arrogant, and everyone will not pay attention to him.

"Brother said you were wrong, so you are wrong! Kneel down!" The whistling sound of the stick came, and there was only a click, and it was split in half by Xuan Yu.

Xuan Yu rushed forward with a whoosh, pinched the neck of the young man in front of him, and said word by word: "Don't mess with me!"

After speaking, he left.

The brothers and sisters said, "Why is he still so proud?"

"Isn't it because Uncle Yanfeng is backing him?"

"Then Senior Sister Yu, what shall we do?"

"Hmph, we can't beat him, we can find another way, we can definitely get rid of him!"

All of this was seen by An Qi.

While Xuan Yu was alone, An Qi found him.

"Xuan Yu!"

"Who are you?" Xuan Yu was puzzled when he saw this pure and lovely little girl who had never seen before, "How do you know me?"

"I heard you talking to your senior brother and sister just now. Are you Xuan Yu?"

"En!" Xuan Yu nodded, "Who the hell are you?"

An Qi told Xuan Yu her identity, the fact that she and her younger sister An Luo jointly guarded the seal of Qi Mei, and the fact that she let her go and let her sister lose her memory. , and told Xuan Yu everything.

"So, you let go of Xi Mei and lived underground with him for three years, right?" Xuan Yu was an excellent class representative and summed up the matter perfectly.

An Qi nodded.

Xuan Yu continued: "Since you can easily come to the surface world, why didn't you come then? Do you know that if you had come to tell us then, my mother would not have left! My father would not have left either!"

An Qi was angry: "Are you sick? It was your father who sealed his own son, and he didn't say where the seal was. You blame me? The whole world owes your family? Your family committed crimes by themselves, you blame it." Someone else? I shouldn't have come to tell you this!"

Xuan Yu realized her gaffe, and said awkwardly, "Miss An Qi, I'm sorry."

"It's useless, I've seen it through."

(End of this chapter)

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