Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 298 Extra Story: Childhood Charm

Chapter 298 Extra Story: Childhood Charm (07)
An Qi looked at Xuan Yu with disgust and said, "You brothers are all the same, equally unreasonable, and equally cruel."

Xuan Yu didn't care about these, and smiled: "You're right, I'm sorry."

An Qi didn't bother with him too much, after all, the most important thing now is to rescue Xie Mei, and in this world, only Xuan Yu can save him, so she doesn't want to have a real conflict with him.

She told Xuan Yu the exact location, and said to him, "I'll take you there!"

Just as the two were deciding to set off, a mysterious voice suddenly appeared: "Anqi, come with me!"

An Qi panicked: "Who are you?"

"I am the Lord God, do you know what you did wrong?"

"I..." An Qi didn't dare to say.

"As the stone of the seal, you let go of the sealed person privately. This is against the morals of heaven and earth. You need to bear the punishment of heaven." The main god said to her.

Xuan Yu said: "Lord God, she also let him go because she saw that he was pitiful, please forgive her."

"Don't worry, I will naturally handle this matter according to my discretion, but she must also accept punishment, come with me!"

After speaking, An Qi disappeared before Xuan Yu's eyes.

Xuan Yu felt a little regretful in his heart, he knew that he shouldn't have said that about An Qi just now, now it seems that if An Qi had been hiding underground, he would not be discovered by the main god.

But now she has exposed her whereabouts in order to report the letter, so she will bear the punishment of heaven.

"I'm sorry, Miss Anqi."

Since then, Xuan Yu has formulated a plan to save Qi Mei.He pretended to fall into the scheme of his senior brothers and sisters and was injured. He dripped his blood of the Forehead Phoenix on An Luo, the seal stone, and lifted the seal.

At this time, Qi Mei was hiding here waiting for Anqi's return, but unexpectedly, she happened to catch up with the contact of the seal, and began to stir up trouble in the whole world from then on.

However, he never found Anqi.

He has traveled almost all over the world, but he still hasn't seen Anqi. He wants to become famous, to become the most vicious and powerful demon king in the world. Perhaps, only in this way, Anqi will notice him.

He hoped that maybe one day, she would appear in front of him and say to him angrily: "Qi Mei, you can't do this, it's not a good boy to do this!"

However, it was useless, Xuan Yu told him that she had exposed her whereabouts in order to save him, and she had already been taken away by the Lord God and received the punishment of heaven.

What is scourge?
Qi Mei didn't understand, why did he do so many evil things?The Lord God has not taken him away yet?If so, let's get worse!

Finally one day, he obtained the permission to practice in all realms.

What's ridiculous is that the condition for obtaining the practice of ten thousand realms is to temporarily lose part of his memory. Even if he sees her, he doesn't know who she is.

Missed once, missed again and again.

Chris Tang, Cao Li, the little princess, A Mei, his arrogant personality, ambiguous attitude towards all women, made him miss her time and time again.The more missed, the more painful, the more painful, the more killing.

In the endless cycle, he became the head of the four most feared demon kings who killed the most in all worlds.

Returning to the original world again, Xuan Yu took An Luo and sealed him again with his own hands. The sentence was 2 years.

Xie Mei knew that he deserved what he deserved for these 2 years, and all the faults were his own.

Lord God?All of this, will it happen again?If I can, I will definitely treat her well.

I beg you.

(End of this chapter)

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