Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 299 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 299 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (01)
Why did you wake up at the beach again this time?Fortunately, it is daytime.

Original owner: Suzy;
Age: 21 years old;
Status: college student;

Reason: Shipwreck, but not death, but a vegetative state due to lack of oxygen.

At least until she wakes up, An Luo will live as Susie, and the number of days she protects Susie will be converted into points.

Therefore, An Luo is now living on a deserted island.

[Note, the system mall cannot be used on this plane, and the items in the space backpack and gold coins cannot be used either]

"So you are deliberately creating difficulty, right?" An Luo asked.

[Because you are living as someone else this time, you can only use other people's materials, but your powerful fighting ability and profound knowledge still exist]

"That's true." An Luo felt that there seemed to be a little truth in it, but things like the system were never negotiable, and what people said was what they said.

Speaking of which, she was really a little envious of those fast-wearing bosses who could beat the world and beat the system.

Hey, as a person who doesn't even have a human form to seal the magic weapon, why do you think so much?
An Luo got up from the beach, her white shirt and jeans were wet, she spat a few times and felt a little better.

Fortunately, her body is recovering, but if she stays in the sun like this, she probably won't be able to.The sun here is very poisonous, we must find a way to avoid this vicious sunlight.

Further ahead was a dense jungle. An Luo picked up his backpack and walked towards the jungle on the fine sand.

Arriving under a big tree, An Luo sat down to rest and took a look at what was in the backpack.

There is a bottle of water, two pieces of bread, a diary, a pen, a mobile phone and a charger.Most fortunately, there was a lighter and a Swiss Army knife.

These things are soaked in water, and the diary can still be used after drying, but I don’t know about the mobile phone.Even if it still works, I'm afraid there is no signal.

An Luo had heard the story of Robinson Robinson. Robinson's first bucket of gold should have been the supplies on the sunken ship, including food, wine, and even wooden boards on the sunken ship.

However, the current self has nothing!
This is a tropical island with humid air. I don’t know how big the area is. You can see extremely tall plants, like coconut trees, and occasionally you can see coconut crabs running around.

Now that there are coconuts, it will be easier to handle.

The coconut tree is very tall, An Luo looked at his hands, obviously lack of exercise, but it doesn't matter, who made himself so strong?She climbed to the top of the coconut tree with her bare hands, took down a coconut, and jumped off the tree.

After practicing like this for a few days, I guess I can defeat the Snake King in the future.

However, An Luo was still worried when he saw the coconut. This, only a small Swiss Army knife, can it really be used to chop coconuts?

If not, try to split the coconut with bare hands, after all, the coconut crab can open the coconut.

An Luo tried it, and it really worked.

In this way, not only coconut juice can be drunk, but coconut meat can also be eaten.

While eating and drinking, she thought, let's record these things. When this Susie sees it in the future, she will be very grateful to herself. How much she has paid to take good care of her!
An Luo thought for a while, and spread out the diary to dry while the sun was still there.She also plans to draw a map of the island, let's talk about it after the diary is dry.

(End of this chapter)

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