Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 300 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 300 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (02)
In the wild environment, sleeping is a very serious problem.

Although it is hot during the day, it will inevitably be a little cold at night. The most important thing is the humidity, and there may be poisonous insects and wild animals. In short, it is very unsafe.

An Luo really wanted to turn into a stone so that he could stay well wherever he wanted, but unfortunately he couldn't. After all, this is a human body, so it should be taken good care of.

While you have time now, think about how to live at night.

It's really troublesome without tools. You can't push down a big tree with your bare hands, right?

An Luo searched the area carefully, and actually found a decent stone, which might be used to sharpen a stone knife and build a house.

In a place like this, you only need to build a simple house.

Today's time is more urgent, because the night is coming, so An Luo picked some coconut leaves, found a sheltered place on the beach, and planned to rest here at night, at least not to catch cold.

There is still time, so An Luo picked a lot of weeds and came back to make a net.

The Four Great Demon Kings have very rich experience in wild survival. After all, everyone has come from the wild age, and everything is created from scratch, so An Luo can still ask them in detail.

She made several traps out of braided nets, and placed them near where she slept, so that if a wild animal came they would trigger these traps and trap the beast.

But in fact, An Luo didn't feel sleepy at all, and she was still very worried about her current situation.

In that case, stay up and work!

An Luo began to sharpen the knife, which was a delicate job, and it was almost dawn before her knife showed its sharpness.

Another day, you can make a hammer, an ax or something, and you can build a house.Thinking of this, she fell into a sweet dream when the morning light first appeared.

She decided to start keeping a diary today, just like Robinson Crusoe.

Day 02
It's a new day, I fell asleep watching the rising sun on the sea, I must have missed the beautiful scenery, right?

From this point of view, my current orientation should be the east of the island.

It's March now, and the rainy season hasn't come yet, so it's lucky, right?I still have time to prepare supplies for the long rainy season.

In the morning, I jumped into the sea and caught some sea fish.

Swimming is still very simple for me. I started to think about swimming back?I don't know how far it is from where they can be rescued.

Even though I had this kind of thought, I still restrained myself. After all, as a person, my physical strength still has its limit. Not working?
Moreover, it is said that there are eddies in some parts of the sea water, if they are sucked in, they will be crushed to pieces, right?Thinking about it is a little scary, so don't take risks.

I caught the fish with a net, and it all looked good, and there was a squid.

Because I didn't have a pot, I grilled the fish and ate it.

Not to mention, that swiss army knife is pretty good for killing fish.

I thought about whether to eat raw fish or not. I heard that parasites in seawater fish do not live in symbiosis with the human body, so it should be fine, but I gave up this idea because I was used to eating cooked food.

After the grilled fish, I drank some coconut water as usual.

Drinking coconut water all the time is bad for your health, right?

I intend to walk deep into the jungle to see if there is fresh water.

Going all the way in, the ecology here gradually reflects the rainforest, and it looks like a virgin forest.

(End of this chapter)

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