Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 301 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 301 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (03)
As I walked deeper into the island, I felt hot and humid.This is an undeveloped area, and the ground is full of rotting leaves and dead animals, which makes the air particularly stale.

If it wasn't for my natural anti-drug ability, I would probably be poisoned, right?
I don't know, anyway, apart from the occasional difficulty breathing, it is still tolerable overall.

The big hairy spiders that pop up occasionally are scary enough, not to mention the poisonous snakes.I was so annoyed, I squeezed two of them and put them in a net bag made of weeds, planning to bake them at night. I will not tell Master Snake King about this, if he knows, he will be very distressed.

With so many plants and animals, there must be a source of water here.

With such a firm belief, I have been walking deep into the jungle.

Unexpectedly, I actually discovered a water source, if this can be called a water source.

A few crocodiles rolled in the muddy water, and a few long-legged birds were looking for food, and there were many tarsiers jumping around in the surrounding trees.

This is really an island with an excellent ecological environment.

But the water is really dirty. I tried to filter it with weeds and sand, but it still feels hard to swallow.

But as a survival, it is enough. As for whether it can be infected with parasites or something, it is hard to say, but I can boil this water.

Now that I have entered the depths of the island, I have no intention of going out now.

In order to prevent getting lost, I was making markers along the way. Fortunately, there is no shortage of food here, which makes me very relieved.

In the evening, I ate grilled snake meat and drank some boiled water. I threw up, and it was really too hypocritical.

Luckily I still have a coconut on my back.

On a big tree, I just fell asleep all night. As for how I fell asleep, it probably feels like the little dragon girl, right?It is absolutely impossible to fall asleep without a little effort.

Day 03
A new day has begun, and I don't seem to pay attention to recording the specific time. For this, I am really inferior to Robinson, and I always feel a little messy.

I wonder if my wandering around in the jungle may have affected the rescue of me from the outside world.

But my mobile phone and backpack are in a very conspicuous place, if someone comes to rescue me, they will definitely be able to see it.

Walking up that swamp-like source of fresh water, I found that the water was getting clearer and clearer. If I knew it, I would have searched for it all night, so I wouldn’t drink that kind of water. I hope it won’t hurt my stomach, but it’s actually Didn't drink it at all, spit it all out.

Continue to go up, and sure enough, the water is getting clearer and clearer, like water gushing out of a spring, it seems that there is groundwater in the island, so there is no problem, this Susie is very lucky to be able to come to a place with Islands of groundwater.

There is clean water, which is the capital of survival.

After drinking a few sips of water, I washed my teeth with the leaves, and finally took a shower, washed my hair, and washed my clothes.

Girls, even in such an environment, you have to keep clean.

Fortunately, there are many very large leaves here, and it is enough to make a simple dress to cover.Wait until the clothes are dry before wearing them.

In this way, I still have a change of clothes.

Wearing clothes made of leaves, I took a closer look around the spring and found that there were many large footprints. It seems that I am not the only one who knows this good place, other large animals on the island also know this treasured place, maybe Will come to drink water.

(End of this chapter)

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