Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 302 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 302 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (04)
Last night, I found another big tree to deal with and rest. This is really not a long-term solution.

I'm going to find a place nearby to build a house.

I remember that Robinson Robinson lived in a cave.

In the rainy season, it might be better in the cave, right?But if I build a better wooden house, the rainy season should not hurt me.

For things like making a wooden house, I asked Master Dryad for help.

He wasn't happy about me hurting the trees, but he still had excellent architectural experience.

I really hope he can leave the sealed place and come out to help me.

According to his architectural drawings, I started the plan to make the wooden house.

Unfortunately, the tools are more difficult to obtain.

For this reason, I went back to the seaside, looking for stones to make tools.

Been on the road all day today.It was still early when I came back, so I polished the stone for a while and went to the sea to catch fish for a while.

Because the weather was still sunny, I swam a little farther, so I met a big fish, which is really great. An uninhabited island like this should not involve any animal protection, right?

I caught this big fish back, cut some meat to eat, and mainly removed the bones to make fish bone knives.

The fishbone knife is relatively sharper, and it is also very good to be used close to the body.

After eating and drinking enough, I started to sharpen the knife again.

Still sharpening knives and making tools today.

At this time, Master Dryad told me that there is actually another simple way to build a thatched cottage.

Brother, why didn't you say it earlier?Do you know how uncomfortable it is to sleep on a branch?
This method is really very simple. It is to find some thin tree trunks and tie them with vines to form a triangular support, then add some crossbars on the support, and then tie the tightly bundled grass to these crossbars.

But this is really too crude, and it can provide shelter from wind and rain in the wild, so let's make do with it.

I made this little thatched hut because it's hot right now so I actually just tied some palm fronds so it can breathe a little bit and it's cool at night.

After solving the problem of living, I began to pursue the matter of living better.

Living in the wilderness seems to be very happy!I kind of forgot that I should go back to the city, seeking rescue is the most important thing.

So what to do?Take some stones and spell an SOS, I've tried my best.

I was busy building the thatched cottage yesterday, and it was finally a success.

It's a pity that the thatched hut is too small, and the sleeping is still uncomfortable. Sure enough, this kind of wilderness survival is not suitable for a delicate girl like me!
Of course, the coconut I split open with my bare hands this morning might have an issue with that.

Today I started making hammers and chisels out of stones, sticks and string.

The beach is really great, there are all kinds of big stones, just pick the right shape of stones in it.

When you are hungry, go to the sea to catch fish, and when you are thirsty, drink some coconut juice. Today's day is plain and fulfilling.

In fact, people who survive on a deserted island face an important problem in addition to the difficulty of survival, that is, loneliness.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as loneliness for me. On the contrary, it is extremely lively.

It's a new day, sunny and ready to start making real houses.

I decided to build a house near the spring, so it would be more convenient anyway. If I have spare capacity, I can also build a house by the sea, so that no matter where on the island, it seems that there is a home.

(End of this chapter)

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