Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 303 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 303 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (05)
Day 08
Another good day today.

My hammer has been honed several times until it's perfect, and I started driving stakes today.This is the first step in making a house, which is equivalent to the foundation.

It takes a lot of strength to drive this pile in. It was at this time that I realized why the world needs men.

Fortunately, I don't need to, because it's easy for me.

Even so, after a whole day, I only finished half of the foundation.

The main thing is that I have to find a way to ensure that the height of these piles is the same, so I have to be careful.

After a busy day, I am also tired, so tired that I have no interest in eating.

I drank some spring water and roasted two unknown birds, which were very delicious and fragrant, but unfortunately I don't know the name of these birds.Speaking of which, I miss the walking encyclopedia again.

It's scary that I actually mentioned men twice in one day, lol!

Today's task is equally arduous, and the foundation is finally completed, and now it is time to make the beams.

For this, I cut down some tall trees.

In this case, I am really tired. It is expected that this beautiful wooden house will take at least one or two months to complete, but I must be a qualified carpenter by then.

Because I was a little tired, I went back to the beach to rest, swam a lot in the sea, caught some fish and mussels, and grilled them at the beach.

I feel that I am really different from Robinson Robinson. At least in terms of finding food, I am almost omnipotent. There is no animal that I cannot catch or kill.

Sometimes you don't even need a knife.

Hey, why am I so good!
. . .

Day49 day

The rainy season is coming. Fortunately, my house is finally built. It is very beautiful. I plan to make some furniture to put in it.

If you make fine furniture, you need more delicate tools.

However, making tools also requires tools. . .

What I need most now is probably a pot that can cook soup.

I wanted to burn a pot with soil for a long time, but I have been busy building a house recently, and I have no time. Now that the house is finally built, I have time, and I should do more meaningful things.

I found a small hillside nearby and dug a cave dwelling. I can start firing bottles and jars tomorrow. I feel very happy just thinking about it. What shape should I make pottery?
European style, African style, or Chinese style?
Do you want to carve patterns on it?
I can really feel the feeling when the ancient people discovered that they could make pottery, or else burn a few more works of art.

The reality is cruel. It may be that the fire was too hot and burned too fast, and today's pottery is cracked.

But it doesn't matter, I will continue to work hard tomorrow.

. . .

After two days and two nights of simmering, I finally got a batch of pretty nice terracotta pots for the soup later on.

In fact, I cooked fish soup today, and it tastes really delicious!
As for the remaining small pottery, I can put it at home as a work of art.

It seems that I am also very artistic.

. . .

Day 60
The first heavy rain of the rainy season fell today. I stayed at home and didn't plan to go out.

Suddenly, I regretted that I didn’t stock up on some jerky. It was really a mistake. A few days ago, I only focused on making art. Now it seems that it is really useless.

But this rain cannot always fall, besides, when it rains, there will be more snakes and insects, and if the poisonous glands are removed, they can be roasted and eaten, no problem.

Don't worry, little sister Susie, you won't starve to death, I just hope you don't feel too sick after you wake up!
(End of this chapter)

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