Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 304 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 304 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (06)
For three whole months, there was light rain every day, interspersed with heavy rain from time to time. Without this cabin, I think I must have grown mushrooms.

I am also very fortunate that my house was built at a very high position, so it was not flooded.

A few days ago, taking advantage of the not so bad weather, I went to the beach to have a look. It was terrible, the whole beach was submerged.

It seems unrealistic to build a house by the sea, at least not for this small island.

Now that the rainy season is coming to an end, I feel like it's time to start planning for the next step.

That is to explore the whole island.

Speaking of it, I'm just wandering around in a small area now, and I haven't gone deep into the island. I don't know how big the island is.

Will it be as big as Madagascar?

If that's the case, this place can be called a small continent.

There might still be people living there.

If that's the case, is it superfluous for me to build a house in the past few months?

No, no, no, this is equivalent to enclosing a piece of land myself!I just don't know what the law is like here.

It's ridiculous to think too much by accident.

For today, let’s continue walking into the depths of the jungle.

The terrain here is relatively high, but the jungle is so dense that it is impossible to see what is inside.

It seems that we can only go straight in.

Along the way, I have not been idle. I have collected suitable plants and kept them to make clothes for myself.

The temperature here is always high, so fur clothing is not suitable, so I have never thought about mammals, but I did sew a few clothing from fish skin, which is OK to wear.

I learned to make clothes from fish skin when I was in the underwater world. The rainy season here is just right. I don’t have to worry about the clothes getting wet. They are waterproof and look pretty cool.

I am very busy with these trivial things every day. Besides, I try to look clean and beautiful every day. Who knows?Maybe you will meet a male god just around the corner?
God!I'm about so lonely!

Recently, my hair has been a little long. I found a plant juice that can wash my hair clean. A little brother who is like an encyclopedia told me that this plant is similar to saponins, and it may be the same kind of saponins, but Some variation.

Anyway, it's really a good thing to collect.

Shoes are also a problem, so these collected plants can also be used to weave straw sandals.

Overall, I look like a pretty little Savage right now.

I didn't go home yesterday, and camped directly in the wild. After all, I finally got out.

I finally arrived at a high ground this morning. I looked around and found that the island is really not small. Going further inside, there seems to be a lake, because you can see the dense fog.

But it is not easy to get to that lake.

The air here is very bad, it may be the legendary miasma.

I'd better collect some herbs before going in.

Generally, where there is miasma, there will be herbs, which is the law of nature.

So I'm pretty confident about that.

After a day of searching, I finally found the herbal medicine, boiled water, and after drinking it, I felt less headache.

Today we will continue in the direction of the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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