Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 305 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 305 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (07)
Today I finally arrived near the lake. The scenery here is very good. I seem to forget that I am on an uninhabited island. The lake is so clean. I really want to jump into the lake and swim around.

However, I seem to see a cabin near the lake too.

I'm not dreaming, am I?

Is there anyone still living here?
So why am I desperately trying to survive in the wilderness during this period of time?
But anyway, go check it out!

I really need to talk to people right now, and I mean people in the real world.

You know, your language system needs to be exercised. If there is no language feedback for a long time, it will be very harmful to the development of language.

The simplest example is that you suddenly can't say what you want to say; another possibility is that the pronunciation is not very good, and some pronunciation may be inaccurate.

Therefore, a large part of the language area and the motor area of ​​the human cerebral cortex overlap. Language is like exercise, and more exercise is required.

Otherwise, why do so many people have been in a coma for a long time, and when they wake up, the language function needs to be slowly restored?

Put it away, it has been more than half a year, and I am very worried that your language function will be seriously degraded.

For this reason, I yelled a few times by the lake.

Unexpectedly, someone really came out.

From that cabin.

I was almost overwhelmed with excitement, but I was still very cautious. Someone said: The worst thing in this world is the human heart.Although I'm used to bad guys, the bad guys around me are pure bad guys, the kind of bad guys who specialize in doing bad things.But they have never packaged themselves as good people.

Well, such pure villains are actually very good, at least from the beginning, their position is very clear.

I'm terrified of the bad guys masquerading as good guys.

So, the nicer the person to me, the more afraid I am, if possible, stay away from such a person as much as possible.

The person in front of him now, after confirming his eyes, is a real bad guy, the kind who doesn't pretend.

You ask me why?He rushed over with a dagger at such a lightning speed that it landed on my neck.

"Brother, what are you doing? You have something to say." I asked him like this at the time, not because I couldn't kill him, but mainly because I thought it might be a misunderstanding?How boring would it be if you finally met a big living person and killed him directly?

"I've had enough fish, and I finally came across something new. It's not bad for a change!" This person is really a bad guy, pure and simple.

"We can cooperate!"

"Not interested, I'm fine here alone!"

What a reckless person!

So I put my hand on his arm, pushed it away, and punched him twice.

He took two steps back, vomited blood, and begged me for mercy.

I asked him a few words carefully, only to find out that he is the encyclopedia gentleman I mentioned, and I have been affectionately calling him the Dryad.

In fact, I asked him before, but he seems to have no experience of going to sea.

After careful questioning, I found out that he came here to do scientific research.

At that time, he came by plane, but something happened when he got here. His companion thought he was dying, so he ran away by himself.

I said to him, "Aren't they going to try to save you again?"

"I'm not very popular! And I don't have any relatives, so they don't care much about me."

"I get it, you've always been like this."

I am such a good girl who is understanding and considerate.

 Because this plane is the diary written by the heroine to the original owner, the heroine will try not to mention the four demon kings, or simply mention them, and will not make it clear.

(End of this chapter)

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