Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 306 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 306 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (08)
Spent the last night at this rainforest scholar's cabin.

But don't worry!Nothing happened, I'm a very principled person and so was he.In fact, he has no obvious gender awareness, and basically puts all his energy on research.

When it comes to research, he's kind of crazy.

In fact, I was still a little worried when I was alone with him.

After all, he cheated me not once or twice.

Maybe he just had a brain hole and destroyed this island. If that's the case, I will be miserable, no, no, no, to be precise, you will be miserable.

So, I seriously asked him about his recent plans.

If you can keep an eye on him, maybe he won't do anything too outrageous.Besides, I flipped through it quietly, but I didn't find any large weapons.

We just discussed the possibility of leaving the island.

His name is Smith, he is a rainforest biologist, and this time he is here to find the legendary new species.

I asked him if he had gained anything, and he said that he had gained a lot, but he just didn't know if he would have the opportunity to publish these new discoveries.If he goes back, he will be able to publish many articles, and he may have a chance to win a big prize.

Of course, he also planned to get revenge after returning.

I persuaded him for a long time, telling him when it was time to repay the wrong, and let him get over the past!In the end he scolded me a few words about white lotus, Holy Mother*, and went to sleep angrily.

Fortunately, when he woke up this morning, he was no longer angry.

In fact, he has a pretty good temper. If he said such things to my beautiful master, I doubt he would bite me to death.

As for my beautiful master, I would never say such a thing to her, but I also know that the beautiful master is very measured and will never do anything out of line.At least not now.Who hasn't been young and frivolous?Yes, I'm talking about when she was Daji back then.Hi, just think I'm talking about the Canyon of Kings!

Mr. Smith showed me a map of the whole island.

Only then did I know that he had actually turned around the entire island, but the things I left on the beach had been washed away by the sea in the rainy season, and I lived deep in the jungle, so he didn't notice me.

He walked in a big circle, almost a whole circle around the island. Of course, he did not swim in one breath. When he got tired in the middle, he climbed to the reef or on the shore to rest for a while, and continued to swim when he was rested. It takes five days and five nights to swim around, so a relatively complete map of the island has been drawn now.

On the whole, the area here is still very large. As far as I know, his swimming speed can reach 1 meters per minute. Of course, it is not a sprint speed, but a long-distance swimming speed.

Calculated in this way, it is about 6 kilometers in one hour, and it is 120 hours after swimming for five days and five nights. The rest time is ignored first. Roughly, the circumference of the island is 720 kilometers, so the area is about 1200 square kilometers, about Chongming Island is so big.

No wonder it was so strenuous to walk. The question is, is there really no one else on this island?
Smith said that after his investigation during this period, he found no traces of other people's lives.

Now that there are two of us, he thinks he can try to make a boat, and the two of us will go back by boat.

This is a way.With his profound knowledge, it is true that he can make an exquisite ship.

The problem is that he is too lazy, so he wants me to make a boat?He just produced a blueprint?Hey, every time I act with him, it always makes people feel unhappy!
(End of this chapter)

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