Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 307 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 307 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (09)
I'm really tired today.

Mr. Smith said that if I didn't build a boat, he wouldn't go and have monkeys with me here.

I feel that he is disrespecting me like this, right?What do you say?
So I beat him up.

He was vomiting blood from me the day before yesterday, but it seems to be worse today.

Now he doesn't dare to move anymore, I have to follow his instructions and find some herbs for him to cook.

I hope he can survive. If he can't survive, I'm a little worried that he will go berserk and the island will be in danger.

Hey, I'm really tired. Why is my master so uneasy?

I am lying on the roof now, looking at the starry sky, choking speechlessly.

Smith's recovery speed is very fast, he can stand up and walk today, he is really a strong person!

So we each took a step back, and he changed the blueprint for the ship to something simpler, and then he and I worked together to build the ship.

But he is too lazy, he can do physical work for no more than four hours a day, the rest of the time he is writing or sleeping.

No way, I'd better work on my own at other times!

Smith said he did this because his brain was over-thinking, consuming glucose and oxygen so much that he had to take frequent breaks.

I asked him if he could stop thinking about it all the time.

He said that he was not thinking wildly, but thinking about scientific issues. He also showed me his notes, which seemed to be the speed of publishing a paper every day.

I don't know if you plan to go to graduate school after you go out, if you do, you can really go to his graduate school!

But the people in his research institute are a bit like that!Leave him here and forget about it.

Anyway, think about it carefully.

Today's important task is to chop wood and transport it to the port.

To be more precise, it is an entrance to the sea, where it can go deep into the land and shelter from the wind. It is relatively safe to place the ship under construction here.

We call this port A.

Carrying the wood also requires manpower, but fortunately Smith made a slide that can transport the wood directly down the mountain.

Seeing his inventions and creations, I feel that it is a good thing to think more, and it really saves a lot of effort.

He said that Qin Shihuang helped to manufacture a lot of mechanized equipment for building the Great Wall. Do you think he is too bragging?

After chopping wood for a long time, I went to the sea to catch some fish, shrimp and mussels, and stewed some soup to drink.

The grains that Smith planted by himself are almost ready to be harvested. Hearing what he said, I realized that I haven't eaten grains for more than half a year. It's really not good.

In fact, he also has bright spots, doesn't he?
Today should be the whole half year that I have been living on a desert island, right?It felt amazing, I was a little tanned, and my muscles came out.

It feels good to do physical work every day.

But it doesn't fit my personality!
Today is still a day of crazy wood cutting. Although the drawings have been simplified, it still looks like a huge project.

In fact, what I mean is, just tie a few small pieces of wood and go directly to the sea, just like the boy pie, hasn't it been rescued?

But Smith said that was not safe, saying that it would not work in case of strong winds and waves.

So, let’s make a big ship down-to-earth!

I'm afraid it will take a whole year of work, it feels like a huge ship.

I found that Smith was working on his loom again, and he seemed to want to use the flax from the island to weave cloth, which he said could be used for sails.

(End of this chapter)

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