Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 308 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 308 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (10)
Today, Smith's spinning machine and loom have been issued to scale. I went to the mountains to pick some flax, crushed and spun it, and tried it with the spinning machine. It really works.

This is really good, and when the flax is spun and woven, I'll make myself a suit first.

I still wear your suit most of the time now!Occasionally wear fish skin clothes or clothes woven from weeds instead.

Smith said I look good in these clothes.

Probably because I have been on the deserted island for a long time, everyone seems to have a pretty face, right?In fact, I know his preferences very well, he is not my type at all, yes, not your type.

Today, a shuttle thread has been spun. It can be seen that there is no problem with this machine. Although it is all made of wood, the overall fit is tight, and the mechanisms such as mortise and tenon locks are fully used. Although no nails are used, it is also very strong.

Smith built this house using the same principle.

Of course, my house was also built under his guidance, so you may not understand it, but I still have a space, and there are him and my other three masters in that space.

But that him, compared to the present him, should belong to the future.

It's a bit messy, you get the idea.

Just busy spinning, today's shipbuilding project is delayed.

Do you know who I envy the most right now?I most envy the Monkey King Sun Wukong, the kind who plucks out a hair and blows out thousands of monkeys.

They all popped out of rocks, why don't I have this kind of ability?People are really more popular than people!
I was so busy spinning yesterday that I didn't even eat well.

This Smith is too lazy, I forgot to cook, he would rather not eat.

If it weren't for the many inventions and creations on his side, I would really go back to my log cabin.

But these inventions of his are really attractive to me, they are all necessities of life.

If this continues, he will probably be able to build a modern city by himself.

I found out that he was mining by chance, saying that there should be iron or copper nearby, and I wanted to try casting bronze ware.

He probably enjoys the history-making life here, and most likely he doesn't want to go back.

I also started weaving today, thinking that I will have new clothes to wear in a few days, I am very excited.

Smith performed well today and said he wanted to help me weave cloth, so I could go to the port to make planks.

Now carpenters have all kinds of tools. Although they are made of stone, they are polished very sharply, so there is no problem in making planks.

All I have to do now is make a bunch of planks of the right size according to Smith's drawings and put them together.

His design is very delicate, basically these boards can be pieced together, of course, this also requires a lot of work for me to cut wood.

When it was evening, I went back to the lake with the fish, and saw that he had finished weaving the linen.He also collected a lot of flowers, which he said were to dye my linen, so that it would be more beautiful.

I don't even know if I should thank him.

But he's mostly doing it for his own sake, isn't he?

The fabric has officially finished dyeing today and I can cut the clothes myself.

There are fishbone needles here, as well as flax thread, which can be used to sew clothes.However, the texture of linen is still not as soft as silk. While I was cutting clothes for myself, I began to wonder if there were silkworms in this island.

(End of this chapter)

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