Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 309 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 309 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (11)
After two days of hard work, I finally put on a new dress, which still looks pretty good.

It's just that the main task is to make wooden boards, pure physical work, linen clothes are really not good, it's not as good as fish skin clothes!No way, I changed back to jeans.

Then I concentrated on making planks by the sea, and now more than 30 thick planks have come out. I put them together today, and the boat has a bottom.

I think this is actually enough. Putting a few buckets of water is enough for us to drift at sea for three days and three nights, but Smith is firmly opposed.

"No matter where you are, you can't lose the quality of life." That's what he said.

I don't understand why he is so hypocritical.

In just a few days, Smith has tossed out so many wooden machinery and equipment, and now he completely ignores the ship. He didn't even have a meal early in the morning, so he ran to the depths of the mountain forest, saying that he was looking for mines.

This port is sheltered from the wind and the sun, which is very beneficial to my work.

I brought some bottles of water, drink some water when I'm tired, grill some shellfish or fish when I'm hungry, and spend the rest of the time building this big boat.

In the evening, the bottom plate of the ship was almost assembled, and the wood will continue to be transported tomorrow.

Back at the lake, Smith told me that he had found a copper mine and that he was going to forge metal tools.

In this case, good charcoal and a good stove are needed, so he went to study this matter again.

I was really mad at him.

Why is his thinking so divergent!Isn't all this useless when the ship is ready?
Day 188
Today I am still chopping trees!

I am a little worried that the ecological environment of this island has been destroyed by me.But in fact, I really can't do much by myself.

I cut down more than a dozen trees in the morning and transported them to the port, waiting for me to process them.

As a result, in the afternoon, your menstrual period has arrived.

In order to avoid embarrassment, I told Smith that I was not feeling well and I would rest for a few days, so I went back to my cabin.

Sure enough, it's still my own home!It's a terrible feeling to be dependent.

I cleaned my room and went to sleep with a little pain in my stomach.

In the evening, Smith actually came to see me and cooked me a small bowl of porridge made from the grain he had grown.

This still makes me feel very moved.

He's actually quite warm sometimes.

After finishing the porridge, he went back and told me to rest here for a few days and work together again in a few days.

I really can't figure it out, what kind of work is this together? It's clear that I'm working alone, okay?

It feels so good to rest!

After I got up in the morning, I went to the beach to bask in the sun for a while, and then went back to sleep in the cabin. This is simply the life of a salted fish!
Today, I felt that the break could be over, so I went back to port and continued to work.

When I arrived at the port, I found that the tools had been completely new. The axes, saws, and knives had all been turned into bronze products. It was amazing. What else could he not do?
It's only been a few days, and you already know how to forge bronzes?It's really admirable.

So, it makes sense for him to work together?If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools.

With these tools, my productivity is really much faster.

I think he can really try to build a shipyard, there is nothing he can't do with his ability.

(End of this chapter)

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